

My parents spanked us (very rarely and never more than 2-3 hits) until I was about 9. When my dad spanked my younger brother that year, I wrote him a letter saying I thought he and my mom were good parents except when they lost control and hit us. I suggested a bunch of other methods of discipline instead, most of

My generally positive feelings about Jon Krasinski ballooned into a full on gushing crush after his epic performance. I'm like a 13 year old girl at the very thought of him now.

Scientists had previously been quoted as saying "I don't think they exist."

My ex undercooked pancakes all the time, so the outside was sticky and the inside was literally still drippy liquid. I never called 911, but then again, those were just pancakes, not waffles.

Not just attacking Obamacare, but really narrowing the eligibility for people applying for Medicare/ Medicaid/ CHIP so unless you're literally homeless and starving on the street, you aren't eligible for any reduced-cost healthcare.

I can't believe that she didn't disclose past underwear modeling on her application to be a medical doctor. I mean, I've started and managed a few successful start ups (both nonprofit and for profit), I have loads of experience and references, but I'm always certain to point out to an interviewer that I used to stock

I'm going to spend a whole day on that website as soon as AOL sends me another CD. I'm just about out of hours.