
Sequel bait episode! Same with the first scene of the season being Kali. They’ve wrapped up the main story by the end of the season, so they needed some hooks for another season.

I did not get Barb killed and forget about it, I did not! Oh hai Steve.

Aristotle and Plato, but yes.

Agreed. For the “Who died and left Plato in charge of ethics.”

Never put off until the season finale, that which you can do in the next cold opening.

Crazy theory corner:

I did a re-watch too, and as an Aussie I have soooo many questions about Chidi’s backstory. He’s from Senegal and speaks French, but last season he was shown working at a university in Australia and speaking perfect English with a US accent. He visited his New Zealand professor friend at a place

There’s nothing that screams TV reviewer more than “this show is good now, but what if it isn’t one day? Then what?” I absolutely hate that line of thinking so much, and so many of them fall into that. Judge the show on what it is, not what it might one day be.

As a New Englander, I’m glad that they used New England clam chowder in the fountain (cuz the Manhattan one is nonsense), but I am offended how much Eleanor insulted the chowda.

GOD do I love Miami Connection. It’s definitely something that exists.

You probably mean Miami Connection, but yeah, the comparison is apt. They’re both not only bad in a “somebody failed to achieve even basic competence in what is expected from a movie”. They’re more like “those people don’t have the slightest idea of what a competent movie should look like”. But it’s the fact that

There’s a sweet spot that most bad movies miss. It has to be unintentional, so intentionally campy movies don’t make the cut (No Robo Geisha, thanks), and there has to be a baseline amount of competence (That removes Birdemic from the discussion). The Room is a movie where one man made a God honest attempt at art.

That’s a common reaction. The short answer is, no one knows. The long answer is, Tommy knows but isn’t saying. Other than that, no one knows.

So ugly is this piece that the befuddling dates are decidedly the secondary offense.

I think a bigger problem than the likeness is that this makes it look like Diana lived from 1997-2017.

I’m going to let the irony of this comment sit in lew of sharing this always evergreen Onion article.

Apparently there’s not enough horrible shit happening in real life to get outraged over...

I think it was cruel for Ned to not eventually tell Cat the truth. He didn’t know her too well before the marriage and he went off to war shortly after, but he seriously never told her over 15 years? She was an honorable woman and would have kept the secret.

I found this little tidbit right off the bat. This is gold:

And while we’re on the subject of begging, please ungrey me. I feel like the Wizard of Oz before Dorothy walks outside and it’s really messing with my seasonal affective disorder.