
Also the tour was the “look at all my friends” tour so it got lots of media coverage of “You’ll never believe who joined Taylor on stage last night in Jones-Smith-Ville-Burg” and literally every time it was “yes, I believe it. It was a bunch of skinny white bitches and a token dude.”

Or you know, come out and say “It’s not cool to brag about sexual assault”

So I can keep typing while I eat, without nutella on my fingers. duh.

as a white woman in a white state with a comfortable white life with the exception of an increasingly crippling depression about the news these days, i watched this, laughed in recognition that this is what i have been doing for almost a year, and yes, those feelings of guilt and inadequacy are real and i am not doing

I literally bought a jar of nutella the other day to keep in my desk drawer with a spoon for my afternoon Jezebel/Twitter despression

Yeah, I took this as a reminder that the nagging feelings a of guilt about doing literally this - eating my feelings, worrying, complaining and screaming into a pastry - are legit and I should feel bad about it.

I’m not sure the odds favor him lasting until 2021, in any capacity. he is incredibly unhealthy, and the FBI is closing in on him.

it amuses me considerably to say your little ditty aloud, but with the real German pronounciation of Reich. It’s so incongruous, I love it.

I openly admit that I unfollowed a bunch of conservative religious types during the election, and now I purposely search for their pages and troll through, looking at the nonsense they are posting because I miss the stupid drama, I just didn’t want to have to endure any “I’m not a racist, but” posts.

It’s 100% equivalent to the emo song lyrics my generation (dear god, I’m only 33) posted on AIM as our away messages. It’s just a picture instead. and more blatant.

I always assumed it wasn’t Earth, that it was a planet without an atmosphere humans could breathe. I always assumed it was ambiguous as to whether we left by choice or by last resort :(

Question for you: Sometimes, when I’m feeling reeeeeeeally lazy, I’ll pick up a pre-marinaded breast or two at the local butcher. It’s SO good, whatever they marinade it in. I bake those, because I don’t want to flatten them, because I don’t want all the good saucy stuff to rub off in the bag... Is that just a

An angel among us. We are not worthy of her.

How have I never seen that before? its so... perfect.

they should have either extended her training (shudder) or given her some other adventures abroad, and brought her over at the end of THIS season, to kill the Freys. She’s only in Winterfell right now to give Sansa something to do, when Sansa should be more focused on managing Littlefinger. Unless they really, really

I maintain that his commitment to making this world as “real” as possible is why GRRM can’t finish the series. Because “real” life doens’t have endings. No matter who “wins” there will be the story of their rule, and of who was unhappy and revolting and scheming... there is no “end” to this story. It’s why he keeps

I really hope they don’t. It would be incredibly more satisfying narratively to have them defeat the existential threat of the NK and then move back south to clean up Cersei after.

Jesus f’ing Christ, that sounds dumb. I’m usualy willing to bend over backwards to excuse things until the end of the season, in case there is a larger theme or plot. But fuck, that sounds like the most manufactured dramatic tension the show has ever tried to force on us, at least since the Waif. (No way in hell was

RIGHT? Like, shouldn’t Arya be able to understand, very easily, that if he was *helping* Sansa, he would have *destroyed* the letter?