
I get that. I just guess I would have liked to see more scenes of her interacting with the three of them, not just with Drogon.

Thinking on this now, the way people on reddit are talking about crying when it happens, I wish there had been some more scenes with all the dragons. It’s not like they’ve even had as many scenes as the direwolves. Honestly, I cannot remember what the other two looked like, and I only really know Drogon from the Loot

If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s never assume these characters can make logical assumptions. But yeah, probably they know. But still, I can’t wait to see their faces when they find out for realsies. :D

In many cases, in my eyes, spoilers make it easier to enjoy the journey. I want to see the “how” the story is told without always worrying about “what” the story is. I rewatch every episode, and a spoiler just makes my first watching that much more fun.

Ooooh, ALSO: Also, does anyone from team-of-the-living see <you know who> wake back up or does it happen after they’ve all left the area?

Fuck, I was worried about that. Dammit. Dammit all to hell, that story line annoys me.

CAn you share if there’s any progress in the Sansa-Arya area? I already read a summary and it focused mostly on the Holy Shit North of the Wall Stuff, but I’m curious if the show tries to resolve the stupidity of not having the Stark Sisters talk to each other.

The IKEA thing is because the costume designer came out and said “we make the costumes from IKEA rugs” so yeah, people might be getting ready for ComiCon. Chill, ok?

Whew. I’ve always said that if we ever got a dog it would a grey. the OP comment made me suuuuuper sad because I have heard what you said, and was wondering if it was all the pro-greyhound propaganda or something. I’m still not sure we’d be a good dog household, but if we ever did, I would want one of these cuddly

Holla holla! (ps: Helena’s hair situation is the most annoying thing about that show. bleaching your hair as a child does not permanently bleach it. wtf.)


i got the sense of that being kind of ... sarcastic? like, they were her “friends” because the show was playing on loop in the tent where she went to destress. I don’t think I’ve heard anythign about them legit being friends.

in the Xmen, doesnt her character date the character of hte boy from about a boy (who is her age i think, and they dated IRL) ... I haven’t seen all of the xmen movies thoug, i could be wrong

he smells?

there are definitely things in the trailer that make me think the age difference is on purpose. fingers crossed, because it does look fun.

whoa. Javier... dude. Get some moisturizer and some sleep. Like, a few years of sleep.

I’m here to say, I don’t really “stan” any celebrities but JLaw is the closest. I like her. I don’t see all her work (passengers looked ridonkulous and there’s another one she did with Bradley Cooper about timber harvesting? I hate Cooper, so that canceled her out) But I like her. I think she is incredibly talented,

She’s been a decently big name since her very first movie, Winter’s Bone, for which she was nominated for an Oscar.

What’s hilarious to me about the Pratt image is that its really the Andy Dwyer image. Pratt himself is a privileged oblivious douche.

Cate in particular, that one disappointed me.