
Delted comment — Just realized this is more than a year old.

I’ve been waiting for this to get to RICO. It’s always been about the money, they just have to get all the pieces in place. It’s a big long string of dominoes.

or bleach! Don’t forget the bleach! #butheremails

From your lips ...

Yeah, I was like, uh, in what universe is this a surprise? In what universe is Manafort keeping important things anywhere in this country?

I love everything about this comment, including the fact that I get to say, “holla great-great-grand-uncle grant!”

It’s both.

no, P&R would be considered “network” because it was on NBC. Cable is like, FX, AMC, and HBO. And P&R was never “controversial”

Sorry, I’m gonna go with the BG comments sayign that item is Adam Driver. Parks and Rec wasn’t controversial, or on cable.

she was really wonderful in Welcome To Me. It was a random kind of indie movie, but she made it clear that her talent for comedy is really an acting talent. She was incredible.

I just want to know, is there any lore we are supposed to know about who lived on Dragonstone before the Targaryans moved there pre-Doom of Valyria? I don’t know much... like, it’s kind of remote, isn’t it?

I know, Right? I just get more hype with all the spoilers. I would say they do it on purpose.

This was like, the fourth RH story on the site yesterday and I’m starting to wonder why they aren’t labeled #sponcon

The best part is how she was a “late bloomer” in Hollywood. Please, bitches. Perfection takes its own time.

I signed up for hulu to watch the handmaids tale. so it does happen

jaw —-> floor

SO, My stepmother loves EB White. So I created an email to her and my dad about this, but .... I just emailed a link to the Maxine Waters “reclaiming my time” video to a coworker. And I guess I didn’t actually “copy” the link to THIS one because I did ctrl-V in the email and hit send and noticed juuuuuuust as it went

hey sweet cheeks. love finding other granite staters here. we’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone, no worries :)

no, he knew. that was a feature, not a bug.