Where do you live that society actually tells you men and women are equal? I mean, damn, I want to live there.
Where do you live that society actually tells you men and women are equal? I mean, damn, I want to live there.
It is almost as if authorial license was in play, and names were changed to protect the sexually incompetent innocent.
I guess 1995 was a different time. Gen Xers, amiright?
I was a fan of...
I have heard my wife tell friends, talking about sex:
In Alabama’s defense; several years ago we collectively decided as a nation that the lives of very young children are secondary to the concerns of private weapons enthusists that they might be slightly inconvenienced when amassing their personal arsenals. So shame on all of us.
Somebody is getting low-key revenge on Megyn Kelly by having got themselves assigned to wardrobe and making this woman look ridiculous on television every day. It’s savagely cunning, because the clothes aren’t outright clownish, they are just bad enough to be terrible on her, in this context. Like, they’d probably be…
I honestly think that a good publicist can get Bobby as a guest purely on the fact that he’s the writer of Megan Kelly Today, Today.
There’s perhaps only one thing that would make them vote for a Democrat over a piece of shit GoP candidate: if the victims were young men instead of young women. Pedophilia is clearly A-OK for Alabamans. But “the gay” is crossing the line.
Well to stereotype, they’re headstrong with their Christian beliefs, which if you recall is all about drinking, drinking and revenge... I’m sorry I’m thinking of Alvians from Sealab 2021.
Nothing about Roy Moore or his history in politics makes me think he is the kind of person who would ever do the Smart Thing That Is Best For Everyone.
It’s fairly apparent that to some voters, this stuff isn’t politics, it’s religion. They’ll no more believe that Moore is a paedo than they’ll believe Noah didn’t really have two of EVERY animal on the ark. Logic doesn’t enter into it. I don’t know how you’re supposed to deal with that.
I remember the wife and I driving to get from Gatlinburg, TN, to New Orleans, LA, by car, a couple of years back. It was our vacation, so we had plenty of time to make a stop over somewhere in between, which, as you’ll know, is pretty much all Alabama. So we went did some research into any fun towns or cities to stay…
It’s just a test balloon to see which option will cost him more. If his audience grumbles a bit but seems like they’ll get over it, he dumps Moore to save face with the sponsors.
If they throw a complete shit fit to the point where it seems like this could seriously affect his ratings, he makes up any bullshit he…
Sorry, Sean, you may have caught the brunt of my ire at the way many around me have been treating the situation. I admit that I was chomping at the bit to articulate my disdain for the lack of context with which his comments have been treated, and so, paired with the headline, your byline on this article made my heart…
Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except…
One of the worst feelings in my adult life came when a five-year relationship collapsed, and afterwards I heard from a mutual friend that my ex talked about having a “Jim and Pam” flirty thing with a guy at work.
Blame Serial