
I understand that this is not entirely meant to be taken literally. But as an adult woman who did actually fuck a whole lot of jocks in college, I have notes:

The nimble fingers point is more important.

It’s really too bad because the only way these places will change is through people moving there and voting for change.

Not exactly. The party wanted Big Luther. this is 100% fuck-the-establishment white-self-pity-driven rage

When those yokels have no more power over the contents of my uterus. Seriously, this is entirely the fault of the electoral college/US Senate math: If Alabama et al were only entitled to direct proportional representation, i would care a whole fucking lot less what they did.

This does look like much more fun than AHS

I always thought the show was fairly upfront about the fact that these were all flawed people.

You’re omitting the entire genre of 80s teen movies built around the Nice Guy premise.

NO... NO no no no no, I can’t believe this.

Huh. Yes. I could NOT place her, but that’s right,

Parks and Rec is a cartoon version of the world as we wish it could be. The Office is real life, but funnier.

She’s my favorite part of P&R to be honest. She’s the most “real” character in a world of caricatures.

I don’t even like P&R that much and I’m insulted for people who do. That comparison is so.... basic.

Yeah, I did the same exact thing.... :(

I am feeling somewhat like a bad person after reading all these comments, because I can binge watch The Office for hours and hours and can really only stomach ~3 eps of P&R. It strikes me as cloying after that point.

Do not, I repeat, do NOT rule out The Disaster Artist. Hollywood wants James Franco to thrive, and Hollywood LOVES nothing more than movies about the movie business.

omg, yes. I know when this feature started, people were calling it the next 500 Days of Kristen, but it is SO so SO so much better

i literally don’t know how you’d sleep THROUGH sex without being drugged. I’ve done the “good morning BJ” for my husband, too, and the point is that it wakes you up.

I will not make a bigger deal out of anything Hillary or the Dems did, as long as I know that 80,000 people out of the 128 million (or .06% of the vote) swung the result

It’s 3 years away, people!!! LEt’s get through fucking 2018 first! Let Joe get out there to the Rust Belt and campaign hard for some potentially winnable congressional seats. Then, we can talk.