
Every time I think MSU has hit rock bottom, some new bullshit comes out.

Me: “I can’t imagine how an institution could fail harder than this.”

Michigan State, Baylor, and Penn State all deserve to have the “death penalty” given to their athletic departments.

They’re all good candidates, but none of them have quite managed to cultivate the cult of personality around themselves that Musk has managed. If we were to line these guys up based on supervillain hierarchy, we get Musk, Assange, Zuckerberg (he’s moving up the ranks), Mercer, Bezos.

From what I’ve read, Vince Gilligan and the writers were shocked people thought Walter was a hero and demonized Skylar- we were supposed to hate him and support her! Sure Skylar waffled a bit on whether to enable him or reject him but damn, give a woman a break.

Read the book Dear Sugar, by Cheryl Strayed. She has a wonderful column in there about how wanting to leave is enough.

Let’s not be too quick to judge Ms. DeVos. Maybe her plan was to meet with three people, then each of those people would meet with three more people, and so on and so on.

I went to an all girls Catholic HS and revered the nuns. When I discovered the disparities- priests are given a stipend just for freaking existing, nuns have to earn their own money; priests can retire however they wish, nuns need to live with family or in a convent home - I went ballistic. My favorite nun lamented

My dealer lives in Atlanta where I digital order them for $4 but here in Washington State, they’re $5.

As someone who grew up Catholic (but now wouldn’t set foot in a church if the rest of the planet were lava), the way the Church treats nuns has a far-reaching effect that goes beyond just those nuns. It’s ingrained in your consciousness from an early age that the priests are superior. They’re saying mass. They wear

Nuns are legit insane. One of my evil grandmother’s cousins went to Australia with her order back in the 1920s and they pretty much built a town. For, like, forty years they just built and built, and the last thing they built was their own retirement home.

In the future, war will be waged over these god damned cookies, and somehow, because we live in an unjust world, Do-si-dos will come out on top.

Anyone who went to Catholic school knows nuns aren’t to be fucked with.

The bible thumping Devos family is a pox upon humanity. What she’s trying to do nationwide is what they’ve been doing to Michigan public education for years - Destroying it.

When the next one happens, and it will happen, I would hope that these kids take to the street, regardless if it happens in a school, a movie theater, a church, a club.

Show the victims. Maimed. Defaced. Violated.

Go full fucking Emmett Till on the NRA.

Pea crabs are delicious. Shrimp are basically big ocean bugs. Oysters are sea snot. Don’t think about it, just enjoy the salty goodness.

As a vegetarian, this whole thing was less cringeworthy than that pea crab video guy’s crooked facial hair. an easy example, that building in Manhattan that the Kushner family bought a few years back is in debt to the tune of more than a billion dollars...doubt they’ll get criminal records when they default on that mess, though. I mean, aside from all the other legal shit they’re about to get into.

Give me Ellenos, or give me death.