
Ok, but Humbolt is full of weirdos. Maybe he was just trying to get to Ashland for the Shakespeare festival? That would explain the sword. 

You can get some real wackos on Link at night, for sure. This clearly was not her first rodeo.

THIS! Those assholes straight up broke the number one public transit code, if a lone traveller is being harassed you bring them into your travel fold! 

Thanks for sharing this.
A scary coda for you: I drank down my granny’s entire snuff can as a toddler (this was a year or two after I was found teething on a dead mouse from a trap.) It’s a wonder I’m alive.

Detroit deserves a several-spot jump for the psychedelic tunnel alone.

OK now I absolutely *must* know where this is, if you’re willing to say.

And you don’t realize you forgot to close the blinds and it’s pitch black outside...

lol dang you don’t got to do them like that, they’re already living in CENTRAL WASHINGTON [airhorn noise]

My wife is the same, she calls it “travel belly.” She loves traveling, but is miserable because she can’t go.  Fiber doesn’t help, she needs home field advantage.

I’m the same way.  If I’m in a unfamiliar environment, I get poo shy.  Longest I went was a two week business trip.  As soon as the plane was landing on the flight back, it’s like my gut knew it was home, had to make 3 trips to the bathroom that day...

But if you’re going to this here funeral in person, well, I hope you have allof the snacks and make sure to bring plenty of water because while the service is already scheduled to be as long as the Easter Sunday service at a southern Baptist church with a new pastor trying to prove himself (9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.), I’d

Chaka Khan has 5 minutes? She has runs longer than 5 minutes. On accident. Ask Rufus.

I had just moved away from Detroit when it was host to Rosa Parks’ 11 hour long funeral. I know two people who left Rosa’s service to get something to eat and went back.

This schedule is bananas!!! Bill Clinton has never spoken for only 5 minutes in his life and he’s on the JV team of gasbags speaking. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get 9 & 5 minutes to speak? Puh-leeze!! This thing could last a couple of days.

This could easily take up the whole weekend like the Jerry Lewis telethon used to

This is something else. The cemetery is around the corner from our house. HELP!

Bill Ford Jr. is the chairman (and former CEO) of Ford Motor Co. and the vice-chairman of the Lions. His dad was a powerful member of the board of directors into the 2000s. That family still runs the car company in every meaningful way.

That shit makes me feel old! When even ZMF has mellowed out, you know it’s been a while.

The saddest part about Detroit is that they are absolute setting up to give us Robocop but it’s just going to end up being a Roomba with a knife taped to the top because it’s paid for by Little Caesar’s or Dan Gilbert.

Michigan State just offered him a chancellorship. This state has done one hell of a heel turn over the past two years. Is there something in the water in that state? Oh right.