
Royal Joke is now for yuppies. I’m sorry. They’re also tearing down the city hall which smelled like carbon copy paper and electricity....

hahah just take the M1 rail LOL hahahaha another good joke ahaha 

I read that he visited her last week, so that’s when we all kind of knew that something must really be bad with her. 

And Jesse Jackson. NO one is leaving this funeral until it’s dark. 

you’re really rolling the dice putting on anything grey in the summer....i look like I went swimming after stepping outside in anything above 75, talk about pitting out.I try to go for white or black as while I know I’m sweating, no one else does. or so I say to myself. 

I’m on the sound too and it’s so hazy from smoke i can see it just hanging across the street. it’s insane. last year was also equally nutso, i was down in Oregon and had brown sky for a week. the ferry is honking its fog horn as the sound is like soup, you can’t even see the end of the spit out here. there’s a layer

See...I love the seahawks because while all these young12 punx are watchng their team get trashed, I GET FREE REIGN AT THE GROCERY STORE: EMPTY. TARGET: EMPTY. I-5: SPEEDING ON THE AUTOBAHN. It’s a beautiful thing. I moved down to Oregon for a year (LOL WHY’D I DO THAT???) and it was refreshing not having to deal with

My anal retentive grandmother had a giant mangle press in her basement and yes....every table linen was perfection. 

I think the payroll tax makes far more sense, but in the grand scheme, a state-wide income tax is also a good thing. 10% sales tax is absurd and dents the average earner far more than a sensible income tax would. But I also see the city council just sit on their hands like they have always

I had a whole bunch of stuff typed out but instead I deleted it and will just put the following: Seattle has a lot of problems and is hamstrung by a significant lack of funding streams due to an outdated mode of taxation, which in the end fucks over middle and lower income earners. The problems here run deep and the

They do need a litttttle bit of light, so they might need to have a vacation every now and then!

I’ve grown a few little succulents in my basement, but I did have a big window that got as much light as it could, I had a really great jade for a long while (he died due to tiny pot stunted growth) and you know what I’ve been digging lately are these little algae balls, Marimo Moss! You can put them into cool glass

I think there’s a lot of laws to protect plants seeds and fruits from entering countries due to blights fungi and bugs and things of that nature. Granted, we get lots of veggies from across the border (i just had a bunch of peppers from Canada) but maybe they have to pass stringent and/or costly inspections. I drove

I too am moving, but I’m fearful my plants are going to have a rough time. I think once I’m settled, I’ll be able to transplant a few so they can be happier in bigger pots.

her article she wrote describing arriving at the yay parents! moment made me pause. i felt like i was reading a 12 year olds live journal, not a pregnancy announcement from an adult woman. MAZEL TOV, but if this guy is as much of a douche bag as he seems, i hope she get’s out of that relationship if she has to, but

i read in the freep they are probably going to have to hike up tuition to cover this shit. the thing about this i just still dont get is why did they protect a little twerp doctor like nassar for so fucking long? then they continue to fuck up and hire a pervy volleyball coach and then old fucknuts engler tries to pay

Oh sweetie, we all have friends that are there for the reason they are there. They don’t always stay. It’s okay!! your life will also move on, and things will get scary and weird and shitty. BUT!!! it happens for all of us. Welcome to adulthood, the place where saying NO to bad friends, bad people, nights out you

Oh, homie, girl, whoever, duckling, i started off hard core science in college. I seriously wanted to be a genetic counselor. Ended up studying RUSSIAN, WTF. and then did americorps. debated between teaching and social work, went to library school and now i work on a computer all day. If I can pass along my parents

At least you’re not in Portland where the ground will become LIQUID and everything downtown is going to sink. Basically west of the Willamette is fkd when it happens, throughout the state (waving at you!) Although, most places on the west coast will have a warning (I heard one in California once) for a tsunami, and as

You mean to tell me, that the fine state of Oregon, treats people like shit? This is typical NIMBY, they can’t put their money where it matters, our supposedly “progressive” state really isn’t. Thanks for sharing this, I hope you are doing better now in your career and have found something that you are proud of doing