
Michigan fan here, but a different kind of Michigan fan. A reasonable one.

He recreated the Milgram experiment as part of one of his TV shows, as an exercise to help sort the potential candidates down to the most easily influenced. One of them recognised it and realised what had been going on.

Got to love the Wal-Mart Wolverines. The biggest UM fans were always people who didn’t go to college. Though the “I didn’t get into an Ivy League school and went to Michigan, it was my first choice all along. Really. Believe me, dammit” grads on the East Coast are pretty damn annoying.

I actually had WCC in there to begin with but figured people wouldn’t know what that was. WCC is 100% more accurate for that comment

Came for Milgram reference. Was not disappointed.

Eastern? Come on. Those types either maxed out their post high school education at Washtenaw Community College or have a flag pole in front of their house/trailer with a Michigan flag and Nascar flag flying.


Where, yes, to a degree I do agree with you that it seems trivial in comparison to dead children, I think that it could be more effective for this to gain true viral status. Lets have teachers bring their elementary school kids out as a statement. Kids AND teachers are affected. High schools, tech schools, colleges,

Agreed. So you don’t like what another poster has to say? Big Deal. Pass them by, don’t start an on line vendetta (not sure what other word to use, suggestions welcome). Unless someone says something truly racist or homophobic there shouldn’t be an ability to shut down the discourse cause you don’t happen to like it.

That’s really bad. I lurk here all the time and he never bothered me, in fact I liked his Britain news update and many other posts. So but g deal he posts first a lot and posts often but it is so easy to scroll past and he never monopolized anything. This feels like junior high. I never saw him shut any woman up.

And DeerLady And BoobPunchTina and Randylin.

I miss LaComtessa, (I think) - always very smart writing. There’s more ... can’t think of their names right now.

Are you suggesting a Seattle Jezzies meet up? Cause that totally sounds like a Seattle Jezzies meet up! :D

Good for you! I have ADHD that wasn’t diagnosed/treated until I was 19 and addressing it was life-changing for me. I don’t know how I functioned without meds for as long as I did (I mainlined coffee to focus a tiny bit and it was deeply unhealthy )

I can’t believe anyone is calling this human ‘idol,’ regardless of her side eye skills.

tiny dorito sweaters just made my day

Easy A was freaking hysterical. I got super drunk one night and watched it and Mean Girls back-to-back, which is where I developed my “Hollywood replaced Lindsay with Emma” theory.

Yes you are. Please report to the nearest re-programming facility.

They pay this lady $23 million a year?

The dust is the real product. The chips are just a delivery system for that sweet, sweet dust.