
I had no idea there were specialized shoes for broom ball. But of course there is. Also, those looks like Adidas Samba sole.

You make great points. But I’d argue that the military shouldn’t be a jobs program, or some kind of trickle-down research agency. If aerospace and naval and health technology are valuable things, we should be investing in them directly. If the value of the military IS as a jobs program, then maybe there are more

Honestly, if we ever get to a Prepper Revolution, I just want to die. Come over to my apartment to steal my rice and beans and kill me. Preferably as quickly and painlessly as possible.

I live in a suburb of Portland, and in all honesty, I wouldn’t recommend it. Traffic is awful, housing is expensive, the job market isn’t great, people are rude to transplants (I was born/raised here, and I think it’s ridiculous). I’m actually hoping to eventually move out of this area. Not out of the state entirely,

Concur, most laundromats have a few “jumbo” machines suitable for bulky bedding and such. Also maybe use Woolite or The Laundress or Caldrea/Mrs Meyers or another type of relatively “gentle” detergent, rather than Tide etc?

Yeah, I’ve heard about this practice before. It sounds like a nightmare. And When I lived in Seattle, Amazon had a reputation for being a hellish environment to work, even in corporate.

Gizmodo used to post horror stories working for Amazon

Fireman Sam, the children’s programme, was originally called Sam Tân which in the original Welsh means ‘Sam Fire’, a reference to colloquial Welsh nicknaming which links people’s names with their occupations, such as ‘Jones the Baker’. And before anyone asks, a Funeral Director called David would indeed be called ‘Dai

Self-employed people may as well not be employed at all, for as much as health insurance costs. It’s obscene.

I’ve stretched my mental health meds for months (mostly taking one every 3-4 days, so enough that I don’t get withdrawal or feel suicidal, not enough to really fix the situation) to avoid having to pay psychiatrist bills between jobs. It’s lame and I can’t imagine how much it must suck to have a critical condition you

“But that’s because the people who die from having no insurance are not around to tell their stories.”

This is like that story about WWII airplanes. People were seeing these planes come back full of holes, and they were like, well we need armor where all the holes are. No, you need armor where the holes *aren’t.* The

I’m so glad you wrote this. I wish more politicians could be forced to read stories like yours so that they understand what the difference is like between having good insurance, and shitty insurance or no insurance. Republicans will still claim, “Oh, nobody dies in this country because they don’t have insurance.”

If you have sensitive skin you may want to try their sensitive skin formula. I tried the vanilla + rose first and it worked so well, but I got itchy pits. The sensitive skin geranium also works for me, but has cut out the pit itch entirely. And they replaced it for me free when I reported the reaction.

Please share. I know I shouldn’t be using ‘chemical shit’ because I’m afraid of Alzheimers but I don’t know what else to use.

Im infinitely impressed by these people and their abilities and also infinitely sure that i will never do this. I live in Colorado and know some good amateur climbers and what they can do blows me away let alone what these pro’s can do. I stop at about class4 with minimal exposure and call it a very good day.

I’ve thought about going to another artist and asking them to rework it slightly, and maybe make it a part of an even larger piece, so at least then it wouldn’t stand alone. That way when people ask me about it, I could at least give the name of the other artist and stop giving this asshole credit. Either way, thank

I find it hilarious that Boyko is even trying to sell this “Jon is just jealous of me blah blah” bullshit. Larson’s work is goddamn impeccable and everybody already knew that. There’s not really any competition here.

I follow Larson, Depot Town, and another Ypsilanti artist on Instagram and watched this whole saga unfold. Based on all I’ve read from Larson, and now this post, I’m more than willing to believe these victims’ accounts (as I would, regardless of whether Larson had chimed in) and am hopeful there is justice for all

Diving Swallow Tattoo in Oakland!!

Purity Rings were a prop, used by these singers and groups to increase their appeal. I mean who can forget Bristol Palin, telling everyone that abstinence is the way to go. While being pregnant with her second, out of wed lock, child.