
I’m old enough to remember the Olympics of the late 70's and 80's. Truth be told, we were outclassed by the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc in many sports, gymnastics in particular. The thing is we’d roll our eyes at it and rationalize it by saying, “Well our amateurs are just that, normal people living normal lives

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Not the Judean People’s Front but the People’s Front of Judea?

The rot in the culture of dance and gymnastics is truly astounding. Nassar is a particularly horrific example, but it really does extend to the lowest levels. The child and the parent are expected to submit fully to the authority of the gym owner or coach. As you advance you are simply handed over to an even more

Let’s just breakdown what we’re working with here.

I hate to give my secret but if there’s a restaurant that’s hard to get into, go on Super Bowl Sunday and you can usually get a great reservation or walk in!

I think part of the reason why several women have decided to speak directly versus anonymously is due to her support. Yes there is strength in numbers but Judge Aquilina has repeatedly shown women that she will advocate for theirvoices.

The governor best know for setting up a system that led to poisoning children with lead is not the governor I expect to stand up for abused children and the system that enabled said abuse.

Sorry to break the bad news to you, but if you’re expecting accountability and responsibility from Rick fucking Snyder, you’re going to be deeply disappointed.

That’s Paul Reubens with Sharon Stone in the pic on top right? If not it’s a damn doppelganger...

Well, I know one guy good at fighting evil...

I have never been more conflicted in my adult life. Guys like Flake and McCain have these glimpses of hope where they rail against Trump and you’re all like “Yeah!!! These guys are the best! Why can’t all Republicans be like them?!” Then they go and vote for the tax bill or the surveillance program and then it’s “Oh

In my state we have medical weed, and I believe there are plans in motions to get recreational weed on the next ballot. Weedmaps has (very cleverly) covered my hometown in billboards with stats about how teen use of weed has not gone up in states where it’s legalized, and how CO is now rollin’ in the weed dough. It’s

Megan Kelley is making 20 million dollars?

Is it wrong of me that I’m waiting for the next breaking celebrity headline to be that one of them is a crackhead or serial cheater? I just love seeing Christian couples implode. I’m sick, I know.

The Godfather swore on the life of a grandchild once - and kept it. He died as peaceful, pleasant death as could be imagined (spending time with that grandchild).

“Chicago has their deep dish, New York has their giant thin slices, and that’s all there needs to be as far as named pizzas go.”

That “party style” cut is an absolute abomination that haunted me through my undergrad years in Chicago. WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE SO MANY PIECES WITHOUT CRUST? DURING PHYSICS LECTURES? WITHOUT NAPKINS?

Please please please start a regular feature where you try to guess signatures. I’m dying laughing here.

Dick is criminally underrated. It is such a fantastic movie (Dan Hedaya’s Nixon was brilliant!) and one of my all-time favorites. I felt so bad for them having to film scenes in those era-authentic clothes in the hot swamp-ass DC summer.

“in University” and “Kraft Dinner” outs Nicholas as a low-down, shifty-eyed, Labatt-drinking Canuck.