
Man, this takes me back... The titration experiment...

I live within walking distance of the world’s bougiest Giant, and sometimes I go on Friday nights for my shopping just because I know they’ll have a jazz trio playing over by the draft beer section (because I live in DC and my neighborhood is white as fuck).

What’s super creepy about this is he spent YEARS grooming these girls, he took years of their lives away from them, finally got to meet them.... use them even more and basically ditched them when they were “too old” (in their fucking twenties!!!!). He’s a sick fuck. I think that a lot of things that give us pleasure

Hardcore band lyrics were the ones that got to me (bc I witnessed these men treat women like absolute crap right in front of me) I loved Glassjaw (they weren’t really screaming more like a deftones/hardcore hybrid), but when I was 19 I put it in for nostalgia purposes and was truly like wow!!! How did

Spent ten days at Christmas in a rural village in Georgia visiting a friend in the Peace Corps several years ago. Froze my ass off, but by God, what a trip! Some of the world’s most hospitable people, with delicious bread boats filled with cheese for breakfast and homemade wine-filled supras every evening. That wine

I had such a huge crush on this guy when I was in middle school but this really doesn’t surprise me. Based on some of their lyrics alone it was pretty clear that this emo-boy act was really just the pubescent version of what we now refer to as the “nice guy” thing. Like, I’m so sensitive, girls are so mean and pretty,

That “harmless” prettyboy wearing tight pants and eyeliner thing, no doubt. Young girls have always been into pretty boys (see the extreme popularity of adolescent Bieber, the prettiest little boy there could be.) My sister was really into this scene too, and I always felt so suspicious of all the older dudes hanging

YUP - I loved Brand New so, so much, but this is not surprising. Lacey’s webcam dick picks popped up on the interweb about ten years ago. If Kevin Devine is dropping off the tour, it must be worse than they’re letting on.

I saw them shortly after the election last year and it was so cathartic bring at that show. I was talking to a friend last night about their new album and wanting to go to their show. Not anymore. Fucking predator.

This is part of a larger problem with rock bands. They ALL do this. They’ve all BEEN doing this. Mick Jagger, Bowie, all of them. Remember when Hilary Duff and Joel Madden were a Hollywood “It” couple? She was 16 and he was 25! Guys in bands and underage girls is a tale as old as time.

Yes, exactly this. It’s such a mindfuck, and when you’re a 13, 14, 15 year old, you don’t understand yet just how much these dudes fucking hate you, or why. And because emo kind of positioned itself as an alternative to more traditional masculinity, it gave it this illusion of safety (or at least it did for me) even

They had plenty of misogynistic lyrics, but the one about the windshield was about an ex-friend. (I’m pretty sure it was part of the Brand New/Taking Back Sunday feud where they both kept writing songs about how much they hated each other? I guess we can all finally pick a side in that war. At least until some TBS

I came to say something similar - I saw them in Dallas and was blown away at how good they sounded - and now I’m totally disgusted and angry. I support Jesse in his recovery - But I do not support or condone his actions, which it seems very clear were illegal, unethical and harmful to other people. I am devastated as

As somebody who was real into that scene as a teenager—almost every single band in that scene had at least one guy doing this kinda thing, and everybody knew. The other guys in the bands, bookers, promoters, publicists, fans, journalists—everyone. The bands were mostly in their 20s, the fans were mostly teenagers, and

“I’m laughing with my lover, making forts under covers.”

So the moths aren’t actually eating the wool so much as feasting on the dirt and residue that is in the wool - best way to store wool garments is to clean them and then put them away in a sealed container. I wash all my cashmere sweaters first (or you can dry clean), then store them in said container. I put a little

I always disliked Xander, but not until I rewatched the series out of my teens did I realize how inexorably fucking constant his slut-shaming was.

This series has failed, but if we stipulate that this mother above was clean, I mean she was living at a shelter and shelters have pretty hard and fast rules about drugs.

I hate to say it, but I agree. I do believe that CPS is overly focusing on children from non-white households, but I believe this means they need to start paying just as much attention to white “good” families as well they do to minority families. The only article in this series I really sympathized with was the

Right with you. I had no insurance without “Obamacare”. My meds cost over $500 a month.