
But who am I kidding, 20 something kids dying didn’t bring about any change. This act of terrorism (as defined by Nevada law) won’t do diddly shit.

Tim Allen, Ted Nugent and Kid Rock are the holy trinity of celebrity embarrassments from Michigan.

I watched Popstar and I have to say the penis scene was pretty funny. And when he was naming EDM DJs: “Vinyl Richie, R2LSD2, LSD3PO.”

THIS. If it was some like, good Humboldt shit, it was probably sound loud weed. Like the kind you can smell through the bag that’s in a container that’s in your backpack that’s in the trunk, and you smell it like it’s right under your nose lol.

But what does a family even do with that much space? If that were my place I would have whole wings I never went into. I’d put my phone down somewhere and it would take me weeks to find it again. My kids would probably accidentally murder each other while playing and I wouldn’t even realize it for hours. And imagine

Speaking of big, ugly houses in Michigan, look at this beauty that’s up for sale:

I started with the pit in water!

Checking in with my Grandmother’s African Violets, in those special layered ceramic pots that soak up water from the bottom. The mind boggles.

I have my grandmothers xmas cactus which we can confirm existed in 1927. No wat to confirm earlier, but this is woody as hell and blooms every year now that it is in the south. Thank you Agnes!

This was part of my thought. I’ve been an apartment dweller for many years now, and not having a yard means you don’t get to garden. I actually enjoy gardening — finding plants that I love, growing them, and so on. I have a small balcony (that I don’t have the money right now to situate with larger planters and the

It’s because we are poor and can’t afford home decor. Also plants are nice and when you kill them by accident no one asks questions.

Gary Cole is a treasure. He and Ben make a great, depressing team. And let’s not forget that Kent is in a Spanish-speaking biker gang.

Except we don’t have time to wait for the pendulum to swing.

I feel like, current events and all, him drowning in toxic waste and raw sewage would be more appropriate.

How you know JLD has had a great career (deservedly): She calls Selina Meyer the role of a lifetime, and she played ELAINE FUCKING BENES.

I just hope we get more Salina-Minna Häkkinen dialogue.

I hope Selina doesn’t lose to Jonah but I feel they are setting us up for it. But I hope they bring up Jonah’s irascible uncle. And I could definitely use more Kent and Ben!

Could be worse. I’m replacing the futility of being a Tigers fan with the Lions, Redwings, Pistons, and Arsenal.


My air conditioner keeps me from dying, but it’s not the same thing. I don’t care for the actual sensation of wind, I’m balancing the too hot of a blanket with the not enough of a sheet. Mosquitoes can get me (It’s an old brownstone with a lot of entry points for mosquitoes. Nothing anybody can do about that. By the