
Listen y’all, the most important advice on here is that if you craft you need that JoAnn’s app. The coupons are off the chain and I don’t buy anything full price at that bitch no mo’!

Jane Marie, who used to run Millihelen. It was a good sub blog, but she has some mean girl/bully-ish tendencies in her writing. Very “look at me, I don’t care, I’m from LA lalalala.”

It’s odd to me that Dr. Nerdlove over at Kotaku, a video game website, gives more empathetic, reasonable, healthy relationship advice than Jezebel, and he manages to do it with a far less condescending tone.

Yeah this is the real takeaway. I work from home and the amount of prep I have to do to take a goddam video call is non-trivial - if someone burst into my house unannounced, I would die of shame. Likely scenario: it’s 4pm, I’m still in pajamas, greasy hair, dog hair everywhere, unwashed dishes, beer cans from last

This guy’s trash is digital. There will be computers and burner phones to be found and studied (and one composition notebook somewhere with all the passwords).

The Canadian White Walkers kill you by endlessly humblebragging and being smug.

Ohhhhh yah, the White Walkers, not too good a deal there. They were over at Olafson’s farm the other year, you know, couple miles past the old Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and then turn left at where Svenson used to have his silo? His kid left for school in King’s Landing this year. King’s Landing, I don’t know about that,

Weren’t we all along?

Are we Arya/Gendry shipping now? Your views are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Noooo, Jaqen needs to come back!

No, I think it’s much more likely Sansa is realizing everyone still alive in her family is incredibly damaged, and the extent is even worse than she feared. And since she’s in charge/having the experience to recognize damage, she’s upset and afraid for how she can fix or handle it going forward.

I thought Sansa was upset to see what Arya has been forced to learn — you don’t learn to fight like that without many people trying to kill you.

Yeah... but the look on Brienne’s face when she makes a kill is pretty close to the look on Arya’s. It’s more than she wants to be a knight. She likes the power of it. So does Arya. Podrick, while not a romantic interest, helps keep Brienne in check. I am hoping Gendry comes back so he can keep Arya in check.

Required reading:

I love you anyway.

Can we talk about that beard? That would be a perfectly lovely beard... if he’d shaved it from the neck-meets-head line.

Oh yeah, for sure. I’m about to do that in a few hours actually. I just got out of the shower. After my hair dries, I straighten it. Once I’m done with the whole thing, I use a teeny tiny bit to smooth over my hair. Coconut oil and ACV are used daily in this household!

Honestly, that’s the idea. As much as I’ll be torn in two (we really have a great, understanding network of people out here) it just doesn’t feel like home, ya know? And I am stupidly partial to the schools back east. We’ll likely be some distance from my bff and my family (for sanity’s sake this last is necessary)

I have psoriasis, so I’m used to dealing with dry inflamed skin. The only things I can use are Cera-V CREAM (not lotion), and Aquaphor. You can get both in big tubs, may have to order from Amazon though as most stores carry smaller sizes. If you apply the cream after a shower, and put a thin layer of Aquaphor on