
Lol the idea of a Sconnie accent trying to wrap around the French pronunciation.

I miss Kara

A better approach would be to burn the house down. When the investigators ask why you did it just say snakes and collect that sweet insurance cheque.

are you pontificating from Park Slope or some shit

I doubt it was all that over-the-top. She probably started with the shotgun and used the long tools to make sure the job was done at distance. With copperheads, you don’t stop until they’re dead twice.

Who, me? Why, I’m not a bitch at all!

Where are all these pants-pissing cops coming from? I mean, someone slaps your car and your reaction is SHOOT THEM DEAD?! FFS I lived in Chicago; my car got slapped by angry cyclists and pedestrians if I was a half inch over the crosswalk line.

my local dumbfuck ABC news affiliate KOMO says things like “was fatally wounded.”

He’d probably look too similar to Beric Dondarrian. As it stands I already think he looks like Joshua Jackson.

Exactly. Nobody believes me when I say Theon is my favorite character. But:

I’m glad I’m not the only one getting some real HP vibes from Sam’s education. I mean, you brought Jim Broadbent in, there’s a freaking restricted section of the library, AND you have a young person bucking the traditional lines of authority to do what’s right? (Also agreed on the grossness level. I for real thought

It really is the little things isn’t it? I still want Daario’s blue hair and gold teeth damn it.

It’s interesting how many people only seemed to like or tolerate Sansa when she was a captive or a pawn or being viciously abused. Now that she’s gaining agency and has opinions on how things should be done based on her experiences, people are back to hating on her. Equating her to annoying, naive season 1 Sansa is

Yeah she is not good. So very beautiful, so very one-note. To be fair, Dany is not a very well written character either in the books or on the show, it would take a skilled actress to bring gravitas to the role. The whole “beautiful princess chosen one” thing is such a tired trope, and it’s never really explained why

I like it how they went from cutting scales off to food.

Exactly. The show runners even mentioned that Theon would never be normal again. The Mad King also suffered from PTSD and so does the Hound.

I have to disagree with you about Clarke. After she started working with Dinkleage, her acting improved by leaps and bounds. I think she’s killing it right now.

Sam’s scenes are truly disgusting. In this episode a guy lost his tongue, and that wasn’t even the first time someone lost their tongue on the show. It didn’t bother me as much as watching Sir Grayscale getting a super exfoliated.  

Aside from Greyworm and Missandei FINALLY consummating their love—a sure sign that Greyworm is fucking toast this season