
My mother was a margarine smuggler — oleo was taxed to an absurd degree in Wisconsin until 1967 (and came with a purple dye capsule), so my mom and her friends would make margarine runs to Illinois every couple months. Pretty sure Wisconsin is still fighting over whether you can serve margarine in restaurants to this

Holy crap! Steve was the neighbor you spoke to in the story about your other neighbor who hoarded BMW 2002s!!!! You tell their life stories so eloquently! WHo else lives on your street?

It might be slightly more expensive, but the real problem stems from what systemic priorities are, viewing “safety” of children as paramount or greater than support of maintenance of the family. This is slightly starting to evolve, but we have a long way to go with funding of holistic systems that account for racism,

Well you certainly aren’t shedding a positive light on the empathy level of people in your profession, considering your rudeness. It would be nice if you could add a nuanced point of view to the discussion instead of accusing people with questions about if of getting up on a “high horse.”

Also, I have heard of cases where the state bends over backwards to “reunite” abusive parents with traumatized children...and these loving people trying their best are a danger? No.

I read the longer article in the local paper and they self report as having taken every single training suggested and more. I admit to skimming this blog. Shew as raising her older children-twins-when she lost custody of her first infant. That said, she was living with her father, her father had been caregiver to the

Not to mention, by that metric, most Oregnians would be in foster care.

I’m sure they’d be good parents but maybe not have good parenting skills.

I clicked on this story, thinking “What kind of nonsense will this be?” and I was totally and completely wrong. A simple and ingenious solution to a problem that has plagued me for years. Thank you!

You missed a boner.

That boy is awful, but I’m glad his housemates were nice?

I think maybe it’s because she was a teen in the ‘00s and fashion then just sucked? Like I have pictures of me in my mid 20s from then and I’m like what was I thinking.

We need walls! That’s how you know where to put your furniture! And if you take down all of the walls, where do you put your coat closet? No one ever thinks of the coats.

I feel like there are 3 people who get tiny houses.

I think the particular problem with the “tiny house” movement is its arbitrary size cap.

I always thought tiny homes were for the rich white folk that wanted to pretend to be or live as poor folk for a few years.

i’d stick around. i considered moseying after shrayber and them left, but then we got mr finger and ms rothkopf and a bunch of other great people. and even your apparently great powers can’t keep senile old people from supporting that mess - no one but geriatric racists has as high of a click rate on ads (accidental

We should be friends as we clearly had the same childhood and book tastes.

Decades ago, I think it was in San Francisco, before smart phones and GPS were readily available they tried to do a bike sharing thing. They basically bought a bunch of bikes in a very specific color and had a very specific public branding and left them all over the city. The idea was that if you saw one and it