
I’m pretty sure many women in many places have blown off this douchebag, but he was too oblivious to basic social clues and too hopped up on his own ego to notice.

I still think Varner sucks. If Zeke and CBS came to an understanding that he’s pleased with, good for him. Personally, I’m not sure what I’d do in his shoes. If CBS pressured him into it, they also suck - but Zeke’s not complaining so I don’t see why I should.

I guess I don’t understand the witch hunt, which kind of takes Zeke’s agency away. Zeke says he’s happy with it. Can’t we be happy for him?

I live in New York and guys like him are a dime a dozen, and completely obnoxious and delusional. They have no substance, they all just went straight from their clueless overpriced private school bubbles to their clueless overpriced hedgfund management/day trader/real estate exec bubbles, and they don’t even get that

So, as a formerly Hot (I turn 38 next week, and we all know thatzzz not Hot) I endorse this message.

I once got spanked for asking how Jesus could accurately tell time, so I wasn’t about to compound that by asking about GMT.

Sensodyne all damn day you guys. Why do the other brands even exist? It makes your teeth hurt less, it tastes nice, it comes in multiple varieties (current: the whitening ‘repair’ formula, dentist recommended) and it’s PASTE, not goop.

I have to say, Trump is making my arguments with my Republican co-workers so fucking easy these days. They can’t respond to half the stuff I point out.

Have you ever eaten one? Dry as fuck. Never fresh. They are eclectic and fun to try once, or take visiting family to show it off, but they are always STALE...

I’m very bothered by eating contests in general. Some of us grew up knowing what hunger was. Others still do.

Is he suggesting that’s a bad name? I’d visit the fuck out of that place

I just dragged your photo to my desktop. Perfect capture of the outside spirit of the Joe: ugly 70s-80s architecture, gray day, view of that god awful elevated tunnel and people mover track. I can feel that bone chilling dampness of the concrete right through the screen. Our last trip was on Saturday; God, I’m gonna

Yeah because I’m sure the new arena won’t smell like beer and piss after 30 years of 160 Wings and Pistons games per season.

That’s nonsense comparing JLA to arenas like Boston Garden and Chicago Stadium. That’s like saying stadiums like Three Rivers and Philadelphia Veterans were like Fenway Park and Wrigley Field  

How does one write a whole ode to the Joe and NOT mention its freaking boards seemingly made out of trampoline material??? Both of my favorite teams (Avs and Blackhawks) have been hardcore rivals of Detroit at one time or another, but games at the Joe always had that extra element of unpredictability because of those

HA! Giving birth is the easy part. Taking care of a baby is hard as fuck.

I got that too. I think a lot of women feel like they’re somehow validated by their terrible ordeal. “But it’s totally worth it!!!”

Oh FFS. First Pepsi now Dove. Both are in the palm oil trade, which in Indonesia killed thousands of children in the 2015 forest fires of slash and burn agriculture.

Photo mod: “We’re HERE” - Poltergeist nod...

Also, Joe Biden! Today! Tweeted this picture! For Obama’s 55th Birthday!