
Cannot recommend A Tribe Called Red highly enough. These guys are The Clash of techno/EDM. If it’s still possible for a band to be “important,” then they’re probably the most important band in the world.

In the 1990s, wool socks were worn with Birks. You'll look like you stink of patchouli but at least your feet won't slide.

Are you kidding? This makes him an Official Lesbian Shitass!

I will never understand non-students/non-alumni actively rooting for a school they have absolutely no connection to. I get that there are no pro teams in some of these states but like, damn

I don’t care if politicians are personally pro-life, so long as they don’t impose that on their constituents. That’s what “pro choice” means, after all.

Speaking of Catholic values, shouldn’t pro-choice progressives be terrified of Tim Kaine on the ticket? After all, he has said he is personally opposed to abortion. If you didn’t look any further, then a pro-choice feminist like myself might have cause for concern. Continue digging just one inch deeper though and

“pro life guy”

He also (and people forget this) made it to the final round of vetting FOR OBAMA. And he wasn’t even a Senator then.

No but I DID have purple velvet "jeans" from The Gap

plus if you date him you probably can reserve your spot on the mars colony before anyone else

I gotta admit, there’s something about Elon Musk that’s hot but I can’t quite put my finger on it...

The grillionaire who is our best bet to save us all from global warming.

Psychoanalysts don’t agree about the significance of early memories.

As my dad used to say "I see why some animals eat their young."

Hooray, another bit of discourse in which “normal” equals “people with way more money than us.”

I left Facebook actually reluctantly and I honestly think my life is better without it. I live away from friends and family and I thought Facebook was keeping me connected to them but it wasn’t. Now I have to make an effort to call, text or email those friends I care about andthat actually connects me more to them

Shit, do we all have to publicly start apologizing for what little assholes we were at 14? This is going to take a while...

i feel you. adult hormonal acne is my personal hell.

Or, you know, the current medication of the many of us who have adult acne...?