
Probably because an NGO approached her and told her about all the good she can do. Because there are people who are going to donate because of her.

I thought I would never be rid of those weevils. I spent 2 days cleaning out my pantry, throwing most of my food away, sanitizing everything and throwing bay leaves around like confetti in the mid 90s heat of a Chicago summer. Honestly surprised I didn’t go full gluten free after that.

Have you ever heard of flour weevils? I hadn’t either...until I had. :(

wow, another “Detroit is a shithole” hot take!

I like to refer to mine as “lazy bush”. I keep that shit MOSTLY trimmed at the bikini line and the heft of it crew cut as best as I can/have time for. I’m in a long term committed relationship where both of us just kind of do our own thing and that’s cool. I’m a Young and I apparently am a weird 70s dumpster monster

I was thinking that but then I realised that I shave my bits before a doctor has to go near them and brush my teeth before I see the dentist and sometimes I stack the plates for my restaurant server.

I have never tried a bare foof and whilst I might end up liking the sensation, I almost certainly would not have the energy to maintain it. I barely manage to shave my legs (and I do it in a resentful and slapdash fashion) so I will keep my nether foliage as it is - vaguely trimmed if I remember, thick and full as a

Re: being a hairy person. I totally looked like I had a “bulge” in high school if I ever wore a swimsuit. I was so clueless. I did, however, shave the 2-3 inches of hair growing down either inner thigh. I wasn’t that clueless.

when i do that, my labia go through what i like to call “sandpaper phase,” and the first time i did it, about one solid acre of me erupted in bright red bumpy razor rash just before a booty call. best i can manage is a buzzcut with herr honk’s electric beard trimmer. don’t tell him.

yeah, whenever says that argument of “well we need good guys with guns” i say yeah, fucker they’re called Police, and they are trained to override our basic human need for survival (flee, freeze, or fight).

You realize that all having a gun in your home does is make it more likely that you or your family will be shot right? Nothing about having a weapon in the house makes a person safer. The opposite in the vast majority of cases. And it gives volatile people a quick non-personal means to fucking murder people in the

God, how absolutely tragic for those girls and the rest of the family. Granted, I’m not a fan of the dad encouraging mom to ‘kill herself’ to make it easier on the family, but that’s another topic for another day.

So in the end, the bad person with a gun was stopped by a good person with a gun...who is a trained law-enforcement professional whose actions are subject to scrutiny as standard procedure as opposed to some doofus with 400 bucks and tickets to a gun show.

Cheryl Strayed is definitely relevant here. Both are examples are people running away to the wilderness to avoid dealing with shit in their life, and doing it in stupid/reckless/unprepared ways. McCandless paid for it with his life, Strayed was more lucky. But for some reason both seem to inspire other people to

I dunno, I’m prepared to believe that he might have just been dumb and young enough to not *really* believe in the idea that he could die. Like, everyone has to have that moment in their life where they realize that there isn’t some magical force that will prevent you from ending your existence via poor planning or

OMG, I work in government records so I had SO many opinions on the Clinton email thing, because email archiving is a thing I do and I know how important it is. Most people thought I was going crazy over nothing, or like a secret Cruz or Trump fangirl, it was frustrating. That’s like, our history, people! I mean, I’m

Haha, I say librarian because I went to library school and it’s easier to explain, but yeah I’m an archivist. I did work for a year for a republican, but what I always tell people is hey, I’m making sure the incriminating shit isn’t getting illegally shred and erased. Just cause I work 9-6 and don’t protest the IMF

I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”

I wouldn’t be totally shocked if her parents were the ones who put this in her head. Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed that their legacy didn’t hold enough sway with the Admissions Office to get her in so “blame the coloreds” and don’t let her think she didn’t get in because their alumnus checks weren’t big enough.

OH DAMN!! I forgot that the Red Woman was on Arya’s list!! Good call! I don’t think it’ll be right away, because I do think Melisandre is right, they need her for the battle against the White Walkers. But yes, that would be a fitting end for her!!