
As a child, I never dared to look under my bed because I was afraid I would see someone stare back into my eyes. As an adult, I still don’t dare.

Yeah thing about small town Oly Pen (or anywhere probably), neighbors all up in your business, everybody knows everybody and everything you do. Summers are lively and packed with things to see and do. Winters are long and deadly quiet, heavy drinking being the main pastime.

We lived there when Ballard was still the place to buy a little house and have a baby. But the freeze gave me serious depression. I stopped making eye contact with strangers entirely because I couldn’t deal with them always being so rude.

I’ve lived in Seattle for like... shit, like 12 years now? but I’ve also lived in DC, NYC, Vancouver, Anchorage, and Oakland and I... totally disagree that Seattle is meaner, colder or weirder than ANY of those places

My family moved to the Bay Area from Michigan when I was 14. Coming back to visit, My family and I speak to all of the neighbors (except one - who hated me in high school). It recently dawned on me that they all know us but none of them speak to each other. I think the further west you go, the colder people can be.

I live so far south in Beacon that sometimes maps think I’m in Tukwila. I fuckin’ love living here. I have actual chats with my neighbors. Sometimes, I garden with one of them. Sometimes, we try to get their dogs to meetm y cats. IT’S INCREDIBLE! VIVA TUKWILA!

I lived in Indianapolis for a year recently and it was SO WEIRD TO ME. I had to get used to saying hi to strangers, which was jarring at first, but admittedly it was very lovely after awhile. I like Midwestern nice. :)

Ok so I know I’m supposed to rag on Tukwila because it’s kinda sketchy and not as pretty as the surrounding areas, but I actually like it. I grew up going to Buddhist gatherings there.

Something about population density, and large masses of people, changes our social intelligence. I remember sitting in a crowded movie theater, the projector went screwy, and I was just sitting there waiting for it to be fixed when it dawned on me that no no one else was going to get up and inform the responsible

They taste like perseverence!

C’mon down Tukwila way, you won’t regret it.

In my neighborhood it’s the GCWOKs who are entirely too cool to wave to strangers. Keep working on them though. Five years later I have achieved a level of grudging “good morning”s and “how are you”s and the occasional bbq.

I feel like it’s just people in the big cities who are so cold and unfriendly. We moved to a distant suburb of Seattle/Tacoma and the people are so much friendlier. (And they all seem to smoke cigarettes but I digress.)

Must be something flying around, same thing is happening to me. That primal scream line got me.

excuse me, I have something caught in both eyes....


I’m honestly beginning to think Taylor might be gay. There’s never any heat, or realness, in any of her relationships. But then again, I think everyone is gay so...

It’s a flawed idea. Would you go in on a mortgage with six of your friends? Especially if you were in the targeted “young twentysomething urban professionals” demographic?

I can’t stand this woman. She represents so much of what is wrong in the dance world. Kids want to learn to dance and have fun. They don’t want to be verbally abused. When she was a guest judge she found out really quickly what the pros and audience thought about her after she decided to go after Meryl Davis. She was

I LIKED THAT MOVIE TOO!!! Maybe we just have a slightly more honed appreciation for camp.