

Sir Kenneth Branagh looked like he was having the time of his life in that film.

My husband and I bonded over our mutual love of both WWW and Van Helsing. I don’t know what that says about us all other than WE ARE AWESOME.

Thank you for the picture because I was not understanding, and I still don’t. The plugs are on top and while it can take in some water, it’s not going to be nearly enough to capsize a kayak. If anything I’d say he died because he wasn’t wearing a life vest. Obviously she has some culpability if she tampered with his

with a lot of them, you’re not going to be able to stand it. it’s a realty of getting sober. being around drunk people sucks and a lot of our friendships are based on drinking and drugging.

I had no mom friends when I had my son (I was 22) and still NONE, 7 years later. I’m an only child, too (so no sisters/sisters-in-law). It really sucks! I’ve gotten over the mom friend thirstiness though.

Oh, but when I pour a drink all over a server I get fired from my job. Fucking IT department is no fun.

She looks like the older witch version of her character from Pratical Magic. It reminds me of the aunts.

Yes. And part of it is the whole actually saying something about it. Like, we all know and acknowledge that we play a sport where our bodies are pretty much on full view at all times. But we never COMMENT about it to each other, unless we’re being self-deprecating.

Man: “Awww, why dont you give me a smile, I’m just trying to be friendly, you can at least be friendly back!”

Well, what is it you think they should have done? Being creepy is not a crime and there are creepy dudes everywhere. You warn other women and keep it moving. No one could have followed him around at all times to keep him from raping this woman. No one could have predicted exactly what he was gonna do and when. Only

Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.

And he buckled to Tea Party bullshit, chose Sarah Palin for his VP. The madness of this election and his party’s open bigotry is largely on his shoulders.

Perhaps I’m confused, but I thought the Republicans were all about protecting the unborn.

I gave my dog vaccines. He grew up never even learning to talk. He poops outside in public. He refuses to wear pants. He can’t read or write.

Someone please find a way to get anti-vaxxers into battle with Freelee the Banana Girl and her turd of a boyfriend.

Have to agree. They aren’t filing nuisance lawsuits or demanding the world, only that this asshole who clearly isn’t even LIVING there during this full scale construction project tell his workers to quit running drills and knocking down walls at 6 a.m. I live in a city that’s nonstop construction projects all the time

I’m sure we’re supposed to be all “wah wah poor widdle millionaires” but hot damn if I wouldn’t also be fed up with that crap. 8:30 AM is a perfectly reasonable time to start construction work. 6 GODDAMN AM IS NOT.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.