
Oh yes, i know i paid mine before i moved and also got a REBATE!! woowoo! yeah i just found it ridiculous that their solution for the multi dcarde sound transit BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollar plan was instead of making normal income taxes (i know, state constitution says “NO!”) they want to raise sales tax to an

INTERESTING is a nice way to put it. Just guard ur chickenz, lock ur car, you’ll be fine.

Psst go further south.....find a liberal hippie oasis. Come! I wear birkenstocks and see deer outside it’s glorious I love it! haha jk, i like bike lanes and good libraries which I have I am in a college town and there’s lots of cool student stuff going on. And I think progressive income tax is a good thing. It seems

I hope things change. I do. I miss it, but I am much happier in Oregon, income tax and all.

If you’re considering moving, also keep in mind that Seattle is #1 in foreign investment properties (ergo one reason for high home values) as well as roughly 90% of home purchases resulted in bidding wars. I had friends walk up with $400,000 down, IN CASH, and were outbid. TACOMA IS GREAT! I LOVE TACOMA! Except

My landlady bought her house in the dump that was Ballard 40 years ago...what’s she supposed to do? It’s nutso there. Really. I wish they looked at the Bay Area 20 years ago and said “hmm, this looks like the direction we are heading in, let’s see what we can do to avoid this.” But they didn’t and instead plan on

Seattle needed radical 20 years ago so it would never have reached this point, but as it seems to be there (Sound Transit’s $65 BILLION project?) is always too little too late. I feel like a chump, but I just left Seattle for these reasons she’s talking about. I was a normal wage-earner and I knew I’d never be able to


I had to insure a ten year old car for $1200. I’ve been rear ended twice in Seattle. I have since moved...

I AGREE. Also I’m far outside of the Portland metro area, and drivers here are great! Respectful, play by the rules, everyone is really nice. I used to be up in Seattle and would rage stroke almost each time I got in my car.

I zoomed in on the suby plates to see if I could spy the notorious CARTER plate. Every time I drove in Seattle I’d get pissed at a CARTER subaru or A FKKKNNNN PRIUS UGH. I moved, Oregon is much better.

When I first saw Wet Hot American Summer years ago, and raved about it to my friends, I felt like I was all alone in my love for this brand of humor and this cast. I’m so glad the love caught on, because these people seem to genuinely enjoy working with each other and crafting a comedic masterpiece. PAUL RUDD PICKING

I see a nurse midwife for all my gyno needs, I’ve never been pregnant, but I get great care with all my other normal par for the course exams. I’d happily go to them if I ever decide the time is right for a pregnancy, they are a great person and really take the time each appointment with me.

I DID NOT GET THAT. Seriously. It whizzed right by my head, I swear I am a woman of the world, but I didn’t pick it up at all. I thought they were just friends who were questioning their future as either members of their religious orders or leaving that together and starting a life, ALL WHOLLY PURE. Sigh. Welcome to

I totally missed this! Like I just remember her writing some nice poems and shit to Koob and wanting to have kids with him, like la la la! I appreciated all the nuances of people’s complicated lives throughout the series, the women who married shitty men, the women who knew about shitty men doing evil acts and trying

wait wait wait wait what? MISSED PERIOD WHAT DID I MISS.

I finished up Grad School and moved back out west, my aunt gave me some money and I bought a Fuji Silhouette a few years ago, and am so stoked with it. After riding around on an old Schwinn Frontier all through college, which was a tank and handled snow JUST FINE, just had these goofy-ass tires that always had to be

HAH! yeah, I just left Seattle for cheaper/greener pastures. My stress levels have gone back to zero and someday I can imagine owning a house

Totally agree, I have a nice evening dress from her line that was given to me from a photoshoot at work, no one else was as petite (but still, I have a chest that doesn’t usually fit in most petite lines, despite the rest of me being small). Whoever does this for her makes some quality items for a decent price and HER

YEAH, THE VOICE OF TOMMY PICKLES. On Rugrats! A 90's Nick staple