
I totally agree, I have one of my mom’s old bags, like seriously 30 years old and still looks great. I maybe destroyed one of her coach bags in the very early 90s because I might have scratched my name in it on a shopping trip to Home Depot when I was stuck in the cart and so so bored. SORRY MOM, I WAS LIKE 4. I think

I kind of thought TALYN was sick. I’d expect him to lead a 80s throwback band though, TALYN, KRZ, and mASSon. Poor kids, is what I’m really saying.

I guess if I was so wealthy, out of touch and had nothing to worry about I would be the target audience. But I don’t have the luxury of working and following my passions at every step of the way, that’s something I do on the weekends. Like most other, normal, people.

Kid in my college dorm had his iTunes on shuffle, and LO, on comes the theme song to Saw during a bone sesh. I am not ashamed to say that like at least 6 of us walking through the hallway like all stopped were this really happening, giggled and walked away forever and never looked that golfer or his gf in


Yes. To all of this, yes. To the point that my mom doesn’t call me as often as I call her and half the time she does call, I assume it’s to tell me someone died. I honestly don’t know if I would be like this if I didn’t always have an iPhone on me, like, feeling constantly connected or if 15 years ago not having a

IDK YOU TELL ME, Sexy guys in wigs, some inaccurate history, and lots of essentially softcore porny scenes and like murder and violence and all that stuff, I LOVE IT. I only watch it alone because I’m totally embarrassed to be caught viewing it.

I live in Seattle now, but I remember on one of many visits growing up (family lives here) we went to a Mariners game and the whole stadium LOVED him. My dad even got me an Ichiro t-shirt, that I sadly outgrew. They even had stadium sushi, Ichi-Rolls, now it’s just grasshoppers (BLEH). So I feel that I’m allowed to be

Aww yeah, i was in a splinter cell GS troop, we did way cooler stuff than the bigger group at my school and had TONS of fun. I read this story over the weekend and just like cried some happy tears, like it was just a sweet story, and I hope the young people in the troop can stick with it and it gives them happy


I am quite certain a Novaya Gazeta reporter, Anna Politkovskaya was murdered for reporting on atrocities from the Chechen wars a few years back, she is not the first, she is not the last. I fear for the lives of the folks reporting on this.

Truth Take: Yes, there are way better Portland-area doughnuts. TBH THO, I do like Voodoo’s end of the day $5 bucket o’ donuts though. That’s the only way I eat them.

I don’t think many of these people actually are having fun when they have sex. Not like those zebras I saw a few years ago when i took my little babysitting charge out for an excursion...I WAS NOT READY FOR THAT CONVERSATION. “uhhh they are just playing, LET’S GO PEEP THOSE PRAIRIE DOGS, EH, KID??”

I have no great emotional tie to it, but I’ll be honest those stairs, whoever put those EFFING STAIRS IN is a sadist and just likes watching people fall. Plus I also hated the alternative toilet pipe you could walk through to get in. Growing up, before the first strike in the 90s my dad had a friend who ushered there.

I TELL YOU WHAT....There’s a lot of people that love to tell me their stories of GIVING BIRTH. I felt faint, and asked the new mom to stop, please, and like ever since then, having a baby sounds great but like HAVING the baby sounds like hell. Stitched up awful hell. oh no im making myself feel woozy.

That gas thing is weird. I DONT LIKE IT. But my sales tax for Seattle just went up to effing 10.5% this weekend. TIME TO MOVE.

Yeah, but do you wear them with wooly socks in the winter?!?!?! I got Chacos, and I got the little toe-strangler ones so I would NOT be tempted to do this again with yet another pair of sandals. Thank goodness I live in a frumpy city who things wearing zip off shorts and a Marmot thermal is “dressy.”

You suck. Stop being a turd.’s a thing, check out his post college stuff...he was a volunteer with a Jesuit org in Honduras. Jesuits are the locos of the Catholic church so he can’t be fully bad despite agreeing to the TransPac. HE’S GOT SOME GOOD IN THERE. PS Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was also a Jesuit Volunteer.