
May my poor fashion choices die with me someday. And may I please be buried in a pair of red velvety dress overalls......THANKS GAP.

Did you have winter ones, IE The Red Velvety ones from The Gap? You say you’re jealous, oh ahahhahahaha I dressed mine down with a flannel tied around the waist, don’t worry.


DETRACTION: We sang a crap karaoke version of this song, and it was “I guess it rains in Africa.” I’ll never hear it the right way again.

This is true, but I know that Wild inspired a lot of folks who were also not prepared to venture to the PCT. I’ve hiked bits of the PCT, and while it’s grade is made for pack animals, it’s an ass kicker and being unprepared on it would be folly.

This is all true, however, I did read a piece on what his sister wrote. Turns out, he was escaping a rather abusive home. Krakauer knew that writing the book and out of respect for the family, chose not to include it. But the book focuses on so many others that just sort of disappeared into the wild as well. Not that

I feel you on that, I tell people I have a Masters in Information, but that it’s not as cool as it sounds, mostly a lib degree focused on archives and records management. hahah! I had a electronic records management class right about the time that Edward Snowden was like GOIN’ DOWN. Super fascinating. Lots of lovely

I feel like a sell out, aka corporate archiving, but like HEY-O at least we have the funds to do shit right. I didn’t get an MSI so I can make $30K a year for the rest of my life begging for funding for the most basic of projects. SORRY. Also libraries ain’t hiring around me. He was just jealous that you were smart

My family is pretty supportive, so that’s also very helpful. And I didn’t mean to sound bitter of my friends, I am happy for them that they’ve found whatever it is they want (kid? marriage? good job?) so early on. I don’t think I’m going to find my passion at work (which is okay, I have lots of other things I love

This is so much my life right now, I just moved (a year ago) to a new city, and now I need to focus on the job switch. i feel like I’m stalling. A few friends are getting married, a few are finding great success at work, a few are having kids and buying houses and I’m still like barely making enough to live on and

do you follow you’re welcome with “Asshole?” bc i do. or something worse

:( hahahah If I had $1.2 Million....


Like i said down thread i come from the midwest (a really big city/metro area, though), and it’s probably also some culture shock for me (hah go figure), just being around people who are all super white and super educated. Just different types than what I was used to. Portland was weird though. Portland was the

OH NOT WAVING. I get so mad. Like I’ll be mad in a situation, but then they wave, and I’m like nah, we cool. it’s so easy. I even wave as a pedestrian. I WAVE FROM MY BIKE.

ACCEPT ME!! hahah I kid, but yeah as soon as I can, I want to live in my fave place, Columbia City. ~*DreAmZ~*** it’s hard to rent there, so I would have to buy and like I am not saving any money paying my Ballard rent.


Slow in the left. There was a sting a few weekends ago where cops pulled over slow left laners. It was satisfying.

I would hope that is what folks would do! In my experience, hahahah oh boy, originally from the midwest....whoopsie, like I look confused or sad just walking down the street in my college town, strangers would come up and straight up ask me if i was OK. it was weird! But like, idk, you felt a little more connected?

You’ve made it! But 5 years, you played the long con, my friend, and you played it well. Let the grilled meats be yours! hahahaha