
I don’t remember ebaums world having scary demented shit, mostly just teen girl squad (Edit: Homestarrunner, DUH.) Ebaums had like, the llama song and other sort of cheerful things. Maybe I am not remembering this correctly. Who knows, maybe by the time I got there it tamed down a bit? and I mentioned above, but

I had a computer in my home since birth, I am one of the only people I know who did. Most of my peers didn’t get them until they were 10 or so? At any rate, I don’t really remember much other than really thinking Saladfingers was hilarious. And the offshoot, Toastboy.

I read that Lin-Manuel Miranda is really working quickly on getting it written for school performances because that is a cause near and dear to his heart. SO if we are lucky, we will get a crappy high school version too!

I’m pretty sure you can, I think I’ve gotten it from there before. I saw down thread folks saying they avoid bleach now, which I tend to agree with. Bleach is okay once in a while, like maybe a few times a year, just to get that fresh smell, YUM! But for most of the time, soaking and blueing (sparingly) work. I also

You could try tends to perk up whites. Also, idk about you, but I find that men (yes, this is a generalization) tend to leech something disastrous from their bodies while they sleep. What is it you ask? I have no idea, but they create some kind of swamp scum that RUINS my beautiful sheets. Bleach has a

There is a movement in the 1990s, among the Spielberg project’s peak recording for the Holocaust archive where people were figuring this out. Witness is the word people chose to embrace, as survivor marks you for life in a certain way, you lived while others did not, etc. For a deeper read, brief, but powerful, check

This is really true, I know of a several local churches with LGBT ministry, but to see any of those perform marriage ceremonies? Probably not. What about letting women lead mass? Sometimes, but it’s sort of kept hush hush. Idk, I was kind of into letting the American Catholic Church become something new and cool a few

Yeah, raised one as well. And now, I’m Over It. I can’t handle how they treat women, and cry about a lack of priests when there are hundreds of badass ladies waiting in the wings. Oh, but they haven’t explicitly come out against abortion (they literally remain silent, not saying anything) so sorry but nope.

I can get blood out of a lot of fabrics. Thanks Periods!

Right? They experienced fake blood for a week. What a joke, that’s the easiest part of your period to get rid of if you are on certain kinds of birth control. Otherwise, HELLO TRY GUYS, WANT TO EXPERIENCE LIFE AWASH IN HORMONAL RAGE? IT’S GREAT, I KNOW YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME, BUT LIKE, YOU SHOULD EXPERIENCE FOR

Ah! Me too! I am planning this with a few friends and like, I am just wanting to cry at how much it will cost. But like WORTH IT? I hope so...

That’s a story for the grandchildren.

LOL! Not cool, manager, NOT COOL. And everyone was worried about Snapchat, and like, people have done this since the dawn of time. I’m looking at you, Grecian Urns....Oh, just a bunch o’ nekkid dudes Olympicsing or something? SURE I see what you’re really doing....I’ll send one back in a week after I take it out of

“Will gladly send my photo to you in exchange...” IS THIS WHAT SENDING A DICKPICK IN THE 1980s WAS LIKE? AN UNSOLICITED PEEEENIS POLAROID?!?! sign me the fuck up, brah. I’ll plaster my bathroom wall with ‘em, like a dive bar.

After slogging through online dating sites, I am, like, not okay with the self-deprecation. We now call them something else, The Nice Guys. Run awayyyyyy!!!

I agree, they are acknowledging a history that is challenging, however, opening it to discussion and having a president discuss this prestigious school’s role in slavery is, sadly, refreshing? I can’t think of a better word. How many other schools cover up and refuse to acknowledge past offences? I can think of many

THE UGLIEST. Like seriously, a fresh take on Soviet architecture, right here in Seattle. THEY ARE SO EXPENSIVE TOO! Like No wonder they are empty.

I need to figure out a way to volunteer, but sometimes, idk, Seattle folk are Seattle-y, a little special snowflake-y, you know? I know there are cool people here, I just need to find them. I have a cool network from when I was involved with a hippie-dippy volunteer organization for a couple years that are all really

I was looking from like October to January, and I did find a very small number of cheap-ish places, but they were essentially a bed with a microwave or they were rent controlled and I make like JUUUUST a little too much to live in the cheap places, which as far as this city goes, is not really enough.

The ones here have shared kitchens, cleaned of course, but I see that as causing lots of issues. I totally like the idea of community focused living, but only when I want to, like I have my own room and kitchen and everything but I can choose to partake in the common areas when I want to. I am not an extrovert and