
I feel that so hard, I found a seemingly sketch ad on Craigslist in Ballard, and I scored big time, looked at it and signed all the same day. I was sick of looking at these tiny studios, like have a heart Seattle, I don’t make a zillion dollars. I am one of the cool hippie types you used to have everywhere! But in

That’s because Midwest folk are the nicest. Not fake nice, like the South, but just kind. But yeah, like friends have spouses and kids that take up time, and luckily, when I moved, I had a nice group of people I knew well that were already here so I have a tiny social network. But I still want more friends, but you

I think there is totally a way to involve community everyday, but so many people are just so damn busy! I don’t know how to find it. We all have to work too much to barely afford a hovel, and our generation is no longer as religious, (I am not, and the city I chose to live in is also not as much among young folk)

This is so true, I had a few intentional (small scale, but more importantly, affordable) intentional living experiences after college. Living in community is awesome, when done well, this is essential a Dorm 2.0. They are pushing a similar-ish thing in Seattle, the Apodment, slap me. Again, for wealthy tech-workers

I can’t stop giggling at the title. As much as I feel like I could command a room when I walked in and announced “Step Aside, Fuckos,” I know better. HAT TIP, Thanks for making today silly, Deadspezebel.

Try bringing a boat across...siiiiiigh

I think that’s okay, and fine and good, but when people don’t give consent (probably because they’re long dead and didn’t have your pretty cool foresight with a plaque carefully labeling your consent for just this thing, diet and fun facts about you, maybe you like cats!), and you have groups arguing over who the

My close experience with this was at the University of Michigan museum of anthropology, and while they are attempting to remedy it somehow, (I say they aren’t doing enough), we also have an archaeology museum with Greek, Roman, Syrian, Egyptian, etc-made artifacts. Why can’t the small collection of mostly

I had to learn grammar in college because I just never picked it up, I used some old school books my mom found for me because I had to write a thesis. I attended a Catholic high school, and they just already assumed the teachers had already drilled that into your brain earlier. It was true, the kids that went all

You are certainly not the only one who feels that museums should not be holding bones, as well as displaying human remains. I’m sure you’re familiar with NAGPRA, but when certain museums put the Native American artifacts and bones in the same spaces as, say, mastodon or plant fossils, there’s something inherently

I think most of the MEs I know still wear clothing purchased by their mothers back in high school, but like, whatever, everyone else wears the same thing.

Yes. To all of this. I love Lonely Island with reckless abandon, they consistently make me laugh harder than anything else out there. I too watch with regularity People Getting Punched In The Face While Eating. Is it juvenile? yes, of course it is, but it is so brilliantly silly you can’t help but laugh. Those shorts

“When authorities came to remove Lexi on Monday, the house was surrounded by prayer groups”

Are we Hamilton Hipsters? What would we call all the babes he banged like 300 years before we were even thought of? I feel so early, yet still so so late to the Hamilton Game.

Only my dad can call me a Dumb Polack. 9/10 I deserve it because at times, as far as common sense goes, my struggles are great. I feel like i live up to that stereotype more than I want to admit.

You can go to a lot of Marie Curie things in museums, houses she lived in, the Poles are so proud of her.

That’s what I’m talking about, it’s great we had parents willing to indulge us and go along with all of it. As an adult I enjoy when the young people in my family find something off the wall for us to all get excited about.

I feel so embarrassed, but like everyone has a really weird history crush right? I’ve had a thing for Hamilton since I was young, not sure why, visited a few Hamilton spots and cafes he frequented on a trip to NYC several years ago (all with my dad who was totally willing to indulge this), and like while I want not

Britta was the BEST part of that show. AND I WANT ALL HER OUTFITS. ALL OF THEM. She pulls it off well, maybe it’s her Australian-ness.

Despite being similar, I am weirdly attached to the characters on Togetherness on HBO. There’s something there that Love didn’t have and I think it was at the heart and soul of the show is the love they all have for each other as people and it just goes deeper than the vapid Love people. Also its only a half hour, so