
Listen, I don't care one way or the other about this. I'm just a random internet commenter who doesn't even LIVE in that city, so there's probably a 0% chance I'd even be there to visit that restaurant. I just commented some businesses I am aware of have used excuses to get around poor management decisions, so I've

Womp womp. You don't work a rake with your penis. There's nothing inherently male about hard or skilled labor, and I'll bet you a box of donuts you rarely do the first and never the second.

Yes, the men on this list saying they build fences and do electrical and plumbing work every week are pretending. It's a known fact by anyone who's ever lived indoors that those chores do not recur more than twice a year, if ever. Just like it's a known fact that cooking, cleaning, and laundry has to get done, all

Three hours of work in the sun and you're crying about how hard you've got it? Then let's switch, whiner. I'd love to work three hard hours in the fresh air during the spring, summer, and early fall, rather than 20 boring, repetitive hours every single week including in the winter.

I'm dying laughing at you illiterate guys trying to claim that home maintenance evens it out. The BLS survey included home maintenance. Men still don't do as much as women. Including all the manly tasks that you falsely insist are as frequent and repetitive as shit that has to be done three times a day, you're

If it's recurring every week, you should probably stop bragging about your home maintenance efforts.

Like what? Seriously, name one "home maintenance" task (since you're not even counting yard work) that has to be carried out once a week, let alone as often as household chores. One.

So I get what you're doing here, but I'm going to honestly explain because I'm feeling good today and would like to let you know where I'm coming from.

Other than the trolls showing up, this is actually info I'm curious about, and not in a girls-good, boys-bad way. I think in my family some of this is totally subconscious: it gets trained into you. Neatest roommate I ever had was ex-military: he would wipe the sink and the gunk as a matter of course, and now that's

Maybe because she's doing it correctly? Just a thought.

This is an incredibly sexist statement. In the aggregate, women do more housework. In the aggregate, men do more paying work. I don't know what the aggregate breakdown in hours is, overall, and neither do you.

Angry feminist raging? YOU are the one looking for a fight.

If you're sitting on your ass for 2 hours and 50 minutes out of every 3 while you do laundry, you're doing most of 1-6 wrong and definitely fucking up #8.

I wasn't the one talking about fences, sweetheart,

How many fences have you built, cowboy? Do they keep falling down because you have no idea how to build a fence?

Housework is home maintenance.

Totally what the article said. Good job!

Many women lose hours at work as they are the ones who take care of the kids when they can't go to school or daycare. They are the ones who take care of sick parents too. Since women do the majority of the caregiving they miss more work. Your mother's oncologist doesn't offer weekend appointments.

You think a household has three loads of laundry a week? Hahahaha

You do realize most of these women have jobs as well as do housework, right?