Dang, lady. Get it.
Dang, lady. Get it.
hahaha i forgot about that! it wasn’t a crush. he was her nemesis. she had a series about it. the blogger’s name is ellie shechet. do a search on jezebel “ansel elgort nemesis”
I will never understand the phenomenon of people who take time to post “who???” or “why do we care??” comments on articles about celebrities. If I don’t know or care about the person being covered I simply scroll past. Perhaps you could explain it to me?
To me, dating Jennifer Aniston is like living in Hawaii. I live in Seattle. Slogging through the rain makes me think that living in a place like Hawaii must be paradise. And yet, every time I’ve been to Hawaii, I’ve met people who live there and can’t wait to move to Seattle.
Mhm. And there are pieces of timber and bricks that are that old and may have found their way into construction work recently, but it doesn’t mean the new buildings are a millennia old. The point is your father doesn’t live in a house that is 1200 years old because there are no houses that old that have been constantly…
Same! I tried to give Younger a shot but it is so forgettable. Bunheads has been off the air for 8 years and I still remember so many of the scenes and lines.
I am kinda pining for more Gilmore Girls, I’m sorry!
Wouldn’t it be marvelous if some of the Kardashian clan were seen to be doing some good and selfless things for their fellow Americans with all those millions (maybe billions). As big time influencers, maybe they could be doing some influencing towards something other than personal self interest.
Ironically, making this girl famous is also something he needs to apologize for.
This is absolutely fascinating to me in many ways...please comment in the SNS post each week & provide me with more peeks into your relationship please. Thank you.
Two years ago, I started dating someone who loves the Kardashians and sees them as aspirational role models. Their stories inspired her to make objectively better life choices.
Can you rewrite your headline so it isn’t so clickbait-y/a flat out lie? She never said Covid-19 can be treated with kombucha. And it’s not that crazy that changes in lifestyle/diet could help her with lingering SYMPTOMS.
If she actually does this, can we pleeeeeeeeeease call her “Machine Gun Karen”?
We were the last of the Not Lames.
As a GenX’er I’m actually happy to see skinny jeans go away. I also think this generational beef happening on social media is pretty lame. Everything is pretty lame, actually.
“that forcing a virus to be an individual responsibility instead of a community one”
It’s so frustrating isn’t it that in even some fairly mainstream feminist spheres thin privilege and beauty privilege are still touchy subjects. Thin privilege discourse can get derailed by the usual boring concerntrolling about health. And I think people don’t like talking about beauty privilege sometimes as they’re…
Maybe that was the reason and its a good one.
When I was about eleven, my mother announced that henceforth she would no longer do my laundry. I would be responsible for my own clothing.. Bit of a problem, though. She gave me no instructions and oh yeah...the building we lived in at the time didn’t have a fucking laundry room. The laundromat was about fours blocks…