
I did this to my kids when they turned 12, but hopefully kindly and definitely with instruction and help. I did it because they were heading into puberty and I wanted to give them the privacy that I wish I had had when I was young.

The content I need in these times.

This is clearly the only acceptable response. Chris Evans is far and above the best Chris. That’s just science.

I’m pretty sure he’s getting paid to cover these shows. It’s advertising, not journalism. So, no, he won’t stop. They are covered way too thoroughly for it to be a choice and not a business decision.

I’m really not understanding what the problem is with Nick Offerman’s answer? It seemed very in character and like pretty good fan fiction that I would be inclined to read. Please encourage more celebrities to write their own fan fiction!

Is everyone replying a dude? Because 5'7" is a perfect height for a woman. Definitely not short, but also not awkwardly tall. 5'7" is the ideal I strove for as an adolescent. Sadly, I didn’t reach it.

Yeah- this is pretty disgusting and why I stay away from all parenting crap on the internet. I’m the mom of three mostly grown boys and they each are pretty damn far from this. I guess if you’re the type of person to tag your social media posts with #boymom, then you’re going to be the kind of parent who works real

God, yes. At this point, I’m assuming the site is being paid to promote her, like they’re being paid to promote that pimple popping person.

Riiiiiggghhht. I may have forgot to mention, but this was a joke. Not an actual statement of intent.

I mean, that was clearly just a joke I was making. But thanks for the lecture. You’re a real good person. A+ for your moral superiority.

The important question is whether he would respect me enough to touch me if I requested it.

Some of the people on this list make me want to make a list of writers who are not really good writers, contrary to what they might think. These are people who make you stop and wonder, Hm, are they good? 

Dear god, thank you for this comment. I will never understand the Cardi B love on this site. I don’t know if it’s more offensive or insulting to us.


Same. Now my coworkers know about Drew and read his stuff. My family knows all about him and has watched his Chopped episode with me. I legitimately needed to have people in real life know who he was so I could have someone to talk all of my feeling out with.

I have so many questions and regret that I’m at work and can’t google this.

I’m not 110% sure the math is working out here.

How was I not there for this???? I was at the Greystone constantly in the mid-late 80s and even saw the Rollins Band there. I bought a crappy book of poetry from Rollins there and had him sign it. I’m really sad I missed this!

The disclaimer was to state that I was using the term incorrectly. I’m literally taking this super seriously. I’m also using term “literally” as both an intensifier and to suggest sarcasm in the previous statement. Just FYI.