
Real life is a real-life HD version of Minecraft?

So it wasn’t because it was an anemically boring, linear game where once you progressed through the sequence of mini games to get your civilization up and running (which didn’t even take long), there was fuck all to do other than a few minutes of looking at one planet, then another, going “hmm, that’s nice” and

I’m pretty sure if McDonalds in Amrica released a Bald Eagle burger it would (and should) garner equal condemnation around the world. How about just don’t smoothie your endangered species, no matter how delicious!

This is actually what I was expecting when I started to read the lede to this article. Thank you for delivering.

Journalistic standards are for the Wall Street Post. We enjoy sex tapes and celebrity rumours round these parts! It sucks, but can we at least agree how ridiculously first world a problem it is to complain about spoilers in your $200 million film franchises?

If you’re going out of your way to call someone an asshole because they posted about a movie they saw on the internet, maybe you should re-assess your priorities?

Slippery Dipper definitely needs to be an actual character.

The most upsetting part about the movie was who did die. I was expecting a giant epic fight scene with the other soldiers, but they get there and it was like a big, fat, floppy, flaccid dick followed by talking.

And as I mentioned elsewhere, if anyone (of consequence) had died, this would have been spoiled in spectacular fashion in every form of media as of Friday morning. Because that hadn’t happened, it was pretty clear to me that nobody was really going to die when I saw it on Saturday, but I still came out of it having

I should have clarified it as cash cows of consequence. Few would really give a damn if Scarlet Witch ate it, but it also wouldn’t have mattered much in the story they told. This was clearly Captain America vs Iron Man (guest starring: other people), and if neither are ever even close to being in mortal danger, it’s

And they’re also replaced and/or rebooted as necessary. If Disney even thought about killing off a Marvel character (especially due to contractual reasons), we would have probably heard rumours about it months ago, and if someone actually died in the movie, the spoiler headlines would have appeared first thing Friday

Yeah, that’s all fair. But can you imagine if Marvel had killed off Iron Man in this one? The headlines would have been all over the place, including CNN and MSNBC and probably even PBS, and they would have gone live on Friday morning. This barely registered on the radar as a spoiler a full 4 days after release. You

It’s pretty much been established that “spoilers” don’t inhibit anyone from actually enjoying the thing that has been supposedly spoiled! I bet you will still watch it, and you’ll still enjoy it, and then you’ll probably watch it again despite having already watched it and had the whole thing spoiled by yourself

You weren’t seriously expecting Marvel/Disney to allow one of their beloved cash cows to be killed off, were you?

You: How bout these melons, huh? Huh??

New York is a one-party consent law state. As long as one party (Not-Jess in this instance) consents, then it’s all kosher. The release forms can be done after the fact for the face blurriness business.

So this was clearly a professor of Bible Studies at Redeemer University, right? It couldn’t possibly be anyone else.

Yes, but right now the focus seems to be “cross-dressing men preying on little girls in women’s restrooms” while mostly ignoring straight cis men’s plight. But that’s just a gentle nudge away from falling down the bottomless bigotry rabbit hole we’re staring down at the present moment.

How long do you estimate before effeminate-looking men who are clearly predatory homosexuals start to get banned from men’s restrooms? Gotta protect the menfolk, too!

Gerontophilia is a real thing. The young guy might be getting just as much, if not more, out of the relationship than the elder. Just because you think it’s icky doesn’t make it universally creepy.