The FCC demands that you cover up those luscious tatas. This ain’t HBO.
The FCC demands that you cover up those luscious tatas. This ain’t HBO.
If only we could legislate that all men entering women’s washrooms must be required to wear women’s clothing, then this bill prohibiting such acts would be easy to enforce and keep the women folk safe!
Was he wearing a dress and 6" pumps at the time?
Sounds like Kelly needs to go drink her problems away with Kathy and Hoda.
Then why all the pretense about a 7pm-but-actually-we’ll-drop-the-puck-at-8:42-lol start time? Just stagger the games and people can plan accordingly.
If you had to wait 90 minutes for your Justin Bieber concert, there would be riots. Settle down, child.
The stripper lobby is powerful.
Saying master artists were all magically gifted with perfect skills is more naive, and possibly flat out wrong! There’s certainly debate about it, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility, even though 2d photography as we know it may not have existed back then.…
To say everything this guy does is shit based on this one thing is oversimplifying to say the least. And art school at its core is meant to teach a wide range of people the same basic principles and methods, which aren’t necessarily right for everyone and if you’re self-taught they may not apply at all. You should…
And in this case, if America is the one on the ground, who’s in the audience?? Is China voting in America’s primaries this year?
So are you also saying that hundreds of years of master artists painting things that they saw in front of their eyes is all shit, because they didn’t paint from their imaginations?
The inverse of this argument would be that all comics written in America must be about white people if they have English names otherwise why wouldn’t they be called by their traditional birth names? Localization by language doesn’t mean squat about the contents unless it’s made clear within the story. A Joe can be…
And when the publisher says they never imagined her being Japanese in the first place, let’s all just ignore that, because as a society we’d prefer to be outraged 24/7?
Yeah, ummm...
It’s a good thing he has the best singer out of the Spice Girls as his mother/future manager.
Celebs have money and ad influence. Can’t be losing any of that sweet, sweet revenue.
Sounds a lot like Trumphole, which really needs to be what we need to call his most ardent supporters.
Michael Buble Eats a Dick of Corn?
“I’ve been in cryo for the past six years and I’m horny like a motherfucker” *cue porno music*
But he’s just asking questions that no one wants to address! He’s not saying anything, but just posing some interesting questions. Questions that will in no way keep truthers foaming at the mouth to get to the bottom of all this crazy hysteria by the scientific community. Just a few questions, you know, like the ones…