On the approach, definitely, more impact that way. But definitely plan on practicing. It’s not as easy as one would think.
On the approach, definitely, more impact that way. But definitely plan on practicing. It’s not as easy as one would think.
I suppose I should have clarified he was new to the national political stage. You said yourself Obama didn’t have significant national experience. He was ranked 99th in the Senate and was a junior Senator. He didn’t have the opportunity to develop national experience or political capital before being elected…
2008? Was this a typo or a slam against Iggy or the rediscovered Latin music scene that seems to cycle every 10 years or so? Cause, either works for me.
I’m a hardcore Buffy afficionado and completely agree. She doesn’t have the talent to be the main attraction of a show. She’s much better suited to ensemble casts. Though she was awesome as evil Willow and Band Camp girl.
I would LOVE to believe that, I’m just not sure he would be as incompetent as Trump. The GOP still controls the house and Senate, it’s Trump’s incompetence and stupidity that has obsructed the GOP from fulfilling it’s goals. Pence is a nut job but is relatively more competent than Trump and also has access to…
And here I thought manufactured outrage and false equivalencies was the territory of Fox “News” and ignorant tea party mouth pieces.
Nothing will ever top Scary Island but Tequila-Rosebush-LuAnn came fairly close. Aviva was too sociopathic crazy and her father was disgusting and Kelly was just too fucking annoying. They’ve finally found the right mix of crazy with these girls and it is a beautiful sight.
As much as I like the idea of impeaching Pence for being a crazy asshole, he’s not that stupid and won’t likely be impeached. He’d end up being the President once Trump is ousted.
Ugh, the backwards/sideways hat. It reminds me of the big brother commercial that was on awhile ago with the big black kid wearing a sideways hat while talking to his preppy white Chet bruh big brother mentor. Just thinking of that commercial makes me nauseous. It was so fantastically tone deaf and condescending. You…
Thank you Mueller!! He’s putting the squeeze on Trump through the minions, who are falling faster than my panties at an Idris Elba meet and greet.
Trump administration’s commitment to “sexual risk aversion,”
Fuck her. This is what happens when you validate crazy.
“We’ve stripped away these cultural norms that were there to protect women,” she added. “Colleges are now introducing multi-sex dorm rooms, all the while wondering why they have this rape crisis.
What an amazing young woman. Is there a minimum age for President because I think I found my 2020 candidate.
I’ve had a bit of figure skating fever with the Olympics and was watching old Olympics competitions. What surprised me is the women have been doing triple triple combos for longer than I remember. And watching Surya Bonaley(?), holy fuck, she could jump. I honestly think Michelle had a much bigger impact than Tara.…
I’ve had a bit of figure skating fever with the Olympics and was watching old Olympics competitions. What surprised me is the women have been doing triple triple combos for longer than I remember. And watching Surya Bonaley(?), holy fuck, she could jump. I honestly think Michelle had a much bigger impact than Tara.…
Didn’t see your comment before I made mine. Do we really need Tara though?
I didn’t even notice Tara. Leslie and Johnny are the entertainment duo the world is missing. I want them to call all sporting events from now on and Adam will interview the athletes about their statement necklaces. Guaranteed ratings booster for next year’s Super Bowl.
Koch brothers for sure. I’ve noticed some ads from them during the Olympics. I can only hope this is a desperate attempt to regain falling support for those assholes.