What the-unholy Fuck?!
What the-unholy Fuck?!
He’s so soft and golden and shiny. I want a mini Rippon that I can take out of my pocket when I’m depressed and pet and cuddle to happiness and he’ll make a joke about Andrea’s statement necklace and I’ll giggle and hug my little Rippon and he’ll sit on my shoulder as we watch Real Housewives and giggle and sip wine…
Fucker won’t release the official photograph of him SIGNING the overturn of the law that made it MORE difficult for individuals with mental illness to legally acquire guns. I have reached an even more pronounced disgust than I ever thought possible of this disgusting bag of foul smelling wind and stupidity. He is…
Yeah, because there’s no reason to think Army vets might have mental concerns. Nope, none whatsoever.
Or “women are just gonna do whatever with their body so, shrug.”
OMG!! THAT’S who the Trump kids remind me of . . . the upside down face kid from Family Guy
I used to be very circumspect about the little Dorito pieces left in the bag and would sneak-empty the bag into my primly opened lipstick laden lady-lips when no one was the wiser. You know, when the menz were out doing menzy things. Now I’m like, “Fuck it, I paid for those little Dorito motherfuckers and I demand…
True, I meant in the non-Kinja universe :)
I’m confused and amazed that this isn’t headline news on other sites. The only site, besides Jezebel, that has been consistently reporting is Daily Mail. The tides are starting to engulf Marta and Bela and I can only imagine the kind of stories we’re going to hear about them.
Donald Trump presidenting is the equivalent of a spoiled 5 year old laying on his stomach, beating his hands and feet against the floor, demanding his mommy make the “mean kids” go away. He is a petulant little shit surrounded by cowardly sycophants who enable and embolden a lunatic who is less self-aware than the…
Janet Brewer, Tea Party Idiot Former Governor of Arizona. Yes, that’s her legal name. She very respectfully put her finger in Obama’s face because, I don’t know, she’s fucking crazy and the Constitution?
Selleck is the man. Sellick is the moustache. Sellick’s had a difficult time of it since the end of the show, disappearing at times so it can “grow” only to reemerge from whence it came. Sadly, it’s completely reliant on Selleck and has been unable to establish itself apart from the man who groomed it to prominence.
Whatever happened to the Murder She Wrote reboot? I’d watch the he’ll out of that.
OMG, YES!!! “Who’s the eyebrows?” gets me everytime!
Starred mostly for the username, a little bit for the comment 🤗
Seriously, just when you think, oh, that’s it, it can’t get any wo . . . well, fuck me, it just got worse.
Damn, I guess I’m going to have to get my ass off the couch then. I mean, it’s literally right across the street.
It’s easier said than done, though. Most people have a tendency to avoid being the party pooper. But she does have a responsibility to not put everything on Ansari. They both played a role in this.