*gasp* shut your mouth
*gasp* shut your mouth
Mark Ruffalo? Please at least give me Mark Ruffalo.
Exactly. Men are supposed to be confrontational, women are supposed to be demure and bring everyone together. People are pissed at Michelle because she was the only one with the balls . . . ahem . . . the clitoris . . . to go after everyone. Colbert was like a sharp shooter, you didn’t really know what happened until…
I mean, it’s par for the course, it’s always about a grandmother dying or a husband with kids, I’m curious what they’d say about me . . . Olde timey spinster like female with far too many cats is dead . . . “A hoarder died this morning . . . THIS JUST IN, A MOTHER OF 4 KIDS JUST POSTED SOMETHING HILARIOUS ON…
“How dare you compare Sarah to Aunt Lydia! Aunt Lydia is SO unattractive. She doesn’t wear makeup, she wears baggy unappealing clothing, does nothing with her hair. Poor, POOR, Sarah, being compared to an such an unattractive character.” ~ GOP & GOP Peeps
I find it absolutely fascinating that the uproar over Wolf’s comments isn’t that she insinuated that Sarah lies or that Pence would love the Gilead dystopian future, no, it’s because Wolf insinuated that Sarah LOOKS like Aunt Lydia. It’s not, “How dare you suggest that Pence would be ok with the systematic rape of…
The beauty of this brings tears to my eyes.
Isn’t it our fault though? For allowing unrealistic expectations to discolor how we view ourselves?
Amy isn’t perpetuating anything, society is doing that just fine on it’s own. Amy’s using an absurd story to highlight a real problem in this Insta-famous, it’s all about your looks world.
The problem that I think this movie is trying to highlight (I haven’t seen it yet tbh) is the unrealistic expectations a lot of women (myself included) are holding themselves to. Yes, Amy is actually very fit but it’s not her body type you see walking down the runway or shilling for Instagram (is that still a thing?).…
He was a real person forever overshadowed by his physical body and Austin Powers fame. Depression doesn’t care about money or fame. RIP Verne.
Fuck him any everybody supporting him. You know who prob ably wants to restart their life? His victims. He should be in jail.
I can’t wait for Ryan’s confessional . . . It’s going to be EPIC!!!
OMG, Jenny Jones . . . haven’t thought of her years! Ah, those were the days, we were sweet and innocent then . . . *tear*
I had o get a complete hysterectomy due to medical issues. I’ll never know what it’s like to pee on a stick and feel the rush of dread and excitement on seeing a positive result. I’ll never know what it’s like to see a part of myself in another human and know that a part of me will live on after I’m gone.
This is so strangely satisfying, I can’t stop. The wood is my favorite, the sound is lovely.
Betsy Devos herself is an example personified for the argument against privatising schools. She’s dumb as shit.
The nuns’ fight is with the Archdiocese, not Katy Perry. The nuns weren’t even living on the property when Perry bought. They tried to stop the sale by shadily selling it out from underneath the Archdiocese and Perry. They did this to themselves.