
Conway’s 4th of July ensem made me sing Yankee Doodle Dandy in my head, which made me realize it’s almost the perfect theme song for Trump:

A part of me wonders if the purpose of this is to give them an out for having to save Trump’s tweets. It’s like the ancient Egyptians obliterating the existence of an individual by removing their names from records. He who did not tweet did not exist.

Pilgrims were about as tolerant as today’s evangelicals so the US was pretty much founded on irony. Christmas itself is a celebration in irony given its pagan “holy day” origins. Someone needs to spearhead the taking back of the true meaning of the pagan holiday . . . starting with slogans -

I can’t see a Mad About You redux succeeding, it seems so 90s centric. Early Roseanne is pretty timeless. It was at its best when she worked in the factory.

I love nostalgia-watching MSW! My absolute favorite comfy-tv murder series though is Midsomer Murder, it’s like an English MSW but it actually makes sense that the lead characters are investigating. I also have a very realistic dream of retiring in the fictitious Midsomer village and investigating alongside.

The problem isn’t necessarily Orin Hatch, it’s Utah and the idiots who keep voting for him . . . STOP VOTING FOR HIM YOU IDIOTS!!!!! Also, on a related note . . . STOP READING THE DESERET NEWS!!!!

I’m so sick of this Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays shit. People need to grow the fuck up and understand the world doesn’t revolve around them. The only “war” was Christians’ aggressive intolerance of anyone/group with different beliefs. “Holidays” literally means “Holy days.” It is a term of respect for traditions


Do they make Fiona memorabilia? If so, tell me where to go because I’m going to buy the shit out of it. Fiona EVERYWHERE. She’s the new black cause she goes with EVERYTHING! Get rid of the unicorn and mermaid crap, it’s FIONA TIME!!

You magnificent bastard.

Yeah, I’m not sure this is a line of thought we would want to encourage among the current GOPers. This is a group of people who use the threat of Sharia law as a rallying cry while trying to enforce social and legal mores so consistent with Sharia law they’re almost indistinguishable.

“We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

I can’t get past trying to figure out how to pronounce his name . . . is it six by nine . . . 6699 . . . 69 . . . ?

For once, I’d like someone to just say, “I’m an asshole, I did an asshole thing, I apologize for being an asshole and understand that you are under no obligation to accept my apology.”

“Today we no longer recognize the universal truth: that God is the author of our life and liberty. Abortion, sodomy, and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Thank you!!!!

My favorite part of the movie.

It may be 2017 but the patriarchy still rules our quaint little country. As with any power structure, those not in power require the acquiescence of those in power to push forward their agendas.