Right, because it couldn’t possibly be that assaulting women was the problem, pfft, no it’s just that Moore was an unlikable little turd.
Right, because it couldn’t possibly be that assaulting women was the problem, pfft, no it’s just that Moore was an unlikable little turd.
Is it just me or is that a young horse, like they picked a baby horse thinking it wouldn’t dwarf him so much and no one would realize what a tiny little fool he really is and ruin the macho man look they were going for.
I grew up surrounded by the ignorant bible-thumping women whose entire sense of self is derived from their husband rather than any actual societal contribution, beyond popping out and unleashing more bible-thumping blowhards on society, that epitomizes Mrs. Roy Moore (don’t know her name and it doesn’t matter since…
I’m always trying to call someone and can’t figure out the number pad. So frustrating.
Stunning in its simplicity. Thank you for this.
Yep, saw that too. Can’t wait for her to fucking annihilate him next year. She deserves to bask in her victory after all these years.
I completely understand. That made me physically ill as well. Also the idea that my all time favorite childhood director could have been complicit or even actively involved is breaking my heart.
Crazy Days and Nights is usually waaayyyy out in front, though it’s been horrendously depressing lately with the rape and child abuse blinds.
I’m curious if anybody has any idea how likely he’ll be to talk.
You think he’s going to talk? God, I hope so!
I’ve been binging on Crazy Days and have just had all the joy from entertainment industry sucked out of me. Jeeezus Christ! Can we start a list of entertainment peeps who haven’t raped, abused, cheated on, someone? I could care less about the drugs but for fuck’s sake, are there any entertainers out there who haven’t…
I keep thinking Cardio Bitch when I see her name and am immediately transported back to the 80s . . . big permed fried blonde hair, turquoise headband, salmon colored leotard thong, turquoise leggings, green leg warmers, and white Reebok high-tops with slashes of hot pink across the cheekbone and blue eyeshadow.
Bragging about membership in a political party that, on the one hand, espouses its commitment to family values and on the other ravenously supports an admitted and remorseless child predator; while, at the same time, denouncing a political party that demands members be held accountable for their criminal activities,…
I used to think duckies were cute. I no longer find duckies cute.
I get the temptation for women to break out in a hear us roar esprit de corps but there are a lot of idiot women out there pontificating on behalf of the crazy-pants sociopoathic patriarchy of today (Kellyanne Conway, Roy Moore’s wife, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Megyn Kelley, Ivanka Trump, etc, etc, etc), and there are a…
Well, at least they truly love kids, right? I mean, it’s not like they’re all, “Eh, fuck it,” once the kid is born . . . right?
I had mad love for Franken but he needs to resign at this point. He’s doing a disservice by refusing. If he truly wants to show that he is a changed person or his commitment to women’s rights, then he needs to do it outside of politics.