
Hmm, could be, could be *nodding* *nodding* then the Right-Thinking Cop (RTC) was all, “Hey, Ralph, what’s this ‘misfiled’ [RTC demonstrates air quotes]?” then opens the drawer while Ralph ambles on over and RTC pulls out -WHAT DO YOU KNOW- a tape labeled, “Missing Corey Feldman Interview 1993”

Nope, right there with you.


YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT!!!! There was literally no reason to do this, NONE, besides your dipshit of a son in law. Three of earth’s major fucking religions have spent EONS fighting over one place and you decide the US should determine who it belongs to? What the fuckity-fuck?! Did you fall asleep the day they taught

I’m amazed they’re admitting it tbh. I wonder if someone was going to talk and they decided to come clean beforehand.

Not even no one was listening . . . they called him a liar and vilified him in public. Corey at least has thousands of supporters. It breaks my heart that this happens ALL THE TIME to women and men who don’t have the public backing or financial power to continue the fight.

This poor kid, and I do think of him as a kid even though he’s older than me. Finally he has been vindicated. I hope sues the hell out of the sheriff’s office.

That’s a good thing, it doesn’t look like there’s enough evidence to force 45 to resign at this time and had they gone forward, it would have been a detriment to future attempts at impeachment. Cheeto Puff is not going down easily and won’t voluntarily fold like Nixon. It’s going to take the RNC AND the dems to force

Beautifully said, thank you!

My first thought when seeing the cover was, where in the he’ll is Rose McGowan. My second thought was, what about the male victims, Anthony Rapp for example.

Thanks for this!

“First of all, how is this NOT a mini series or made for TV movie?”

Poor Donny, he grabs ONE pussy and . . . well, nothing

It should be a fairly easy class. Just put a big ass poster of 45 up, point to him and say, “Whatever he does . . . don’t.”

I stopped watching Today after they fired Curry. They treated her like shit.

This is so disturbing on so many levels.

Certainly gives new insight to NBC trying to quash Ronan’s Weinstein piece.

Well, it is Sophia’s Choice . . . Sorry, literally couldn’t help myself. I’ll go sit at the table on the other side of the cafeteria now, with all the other dejected and unpopular grays.

I still remember the Silver Spoons episode where the grandfather took Ricky Schroeder hunting and Ricky had to shoot the deer a second time because he didn’t get a kill shot the first time. Poor Ricky was crying so hard.

These stories about human-like AI bots seriously skeeves me out.