Sorry, too late ate to edit . . . KINJAAAAAAAAA! That should read giving a beer to a toddler
Sorry, too late ate to edit . . . KINJAAAAAAAAA! That should read giving a beer to a toddler
That’s actually a really smart thing to do far any kid living in a house with guns.
WTF is wrong with people?! It’s like everyone has gotten stupider during the information age. Giving a deer to a toddler or letting them ride on your lap and “steer” is child endangerment but go ahead and give ‘em a loaded gun, you know, for funsies.
Jesus, I’m so sorry.
Just replied to someone else before I saw your comment, almost exactly what I said!
Well, with all the revelations out about all the Hollywoodies, that is the most likely and plausible explanation.
Oh, how sweet!! Thank you for the story, I’ve always suspected he’s just a big sweetie.
For some reason I’ve always thought of Reece Witherspoon as the poor man’s Christina Ricci, lijje theirs a depth to Ricci that’s missing in Reece.
Yeah, saw her in the Lizzie Borden thing and it was pretty cringeworthy. Is it her though or a bad choice in projects?
I feel like Ricci doesn’t get the accolades she should. She was fantastic in Black Snake Moan. Same for Light. Now it seems like they’ve been dog-eared for the overly dramatic and corny section of cable tv. It’s a fantastic idea, but, LMN?
Thank you for these. I live vicariously through this couple, and, ok, Harry and Meagan, in the hopes that I too will find my very own woodworker/prince.
I’m so happy for these two kids! Even more so than when Wills and and Kate tied the knot. Long live MegArry . . . HarrEgan . . . ?
Aarrgghh!! What is it with this movie? It has to be one of the stupidest movies ever made . . . and I once sat through the entirety of Legends of the Fall! Seriously, Leo looks to be about 14 years old and there’s nothing redeeming about Winslet’s brooding, so over it all, poor little rich girl character. Speed 2 has…
I don’t understand why anyone thinks Ivanka gives a shit about anyone besides herself. She’s been fairly consistent in proving she doesn’t give a shit about anyone but her and her daddy’s money. Ivanka is not the one to be making desperate pleas to. She’s all show and no substance. She’s exactly like her father,…
“Kayla is a very pleasant person. She is not vocal or pushy or arrogant. She is a devoted wife and mother.”
I’m really torn about this. On the one hand, zero tolerance is zero tolerance, on the other you have an adult male misogynist stalking 14 year old girls vs a man with a history of standing up to the good old boys network on behalf of women accused of touching women’s butts.
He’s on this site to boost his tiny little ego by saying some crazy shit that will bait users to respond. He thinks this is what “social interaction” is, sitting behind a keyboard gleefully fapping himself to any response he gets. In his mind, he’s now the life of the party and everyone is standing around him waiting…
Good for him! It’s NEVER easy telling your feelings to others, let alone the whole world. It’s just too bad the poor dear’s had to wait this long to declare his love. I could have done without the visual of Bob in the hayloft though. TMI
How many time do I have to repeat, “please lose,” before the universe takes pity on me?
I would have been more amazed if Moore had stepped down. The guy “dated” 14 year old girls as an adult and shows, not even zero but negative zero remorse. He’s a narcissistic sexual predator with a fragile ego atop a platform of hypocrisy and misogyny. He JOKED about assaulting his victims. He married an idiot. This…