
+1 chaq wa'SanID Hegh bech no' pong diarrhea.

"It's a churro wrapped in a glazed-donut bun topped with frogurt, caramel, whipped cream and chocolate!" that real....?

That picture on the wiki for "St Louis Pizza" should be admitted as evidence during the war crimes trial, good lord.

It's better in the playoffs

Excellent summary, and I think right on all counts. I think that the players did quite well, actually. And the 5 year deal (vs. 8 years) is huge.

Satellites are also limited by their orbits. An orbit cannot be easily shifted to target a specific spot. Additionally, the satellite cannot loiter. A U-2 can go to a specific spot at a specific time and can also loiter over the area for a while.

My understanding is that satellites are nice but predictable. Very predictable and their big solar panels couldn't reflect radar better. So with a few exceptions (special spy satellites with RTG's instead of panels) people know when our satellites come over head and can hide whatever it is that they are doing that

That I can definitely agree with. So does Robert Baratheon.

Yeah, she's a one-trick pony. Her trick is: "winning".

The warrant describes him as a flight risk.

Now playing

NO. Guys, bring back Gummy Bears, it's time, you know it.

However, if this guy want to try outrunning a fireball or picking a fight with six drunk Marines he has my full support.

I thought his current Wikipedia page was funny.

Good points although I don't believe Westerners "idolize" the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I'm pretty unsentimental, cynical guy, but whenever I see a pic of that kid I just feel good.

So...i can ignore the usual snark from Jezebel about women under 25 and actually appreciate her talent? cool

'Half Blood Prince'

Kristen Stewart winning a César award is actually a pretty huge deal. She is the first American actress to ever win it, and the first to even be nominated for it in 33 years. The most recent nomination received by an American was Adrian Brody in 2002. It's an incredible achievement.