Since you brought it up...
Since you brought it up...
So long, all the fish. And thanks!
It’s been tried by better folk than us.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle - if they stare at it long enough, maybe its momentum will become uncertain and it will safely fly off into the sky.
Not exactly…the clothing line is named after Hollister Ranch, which is further south near Santa Barbara and has a beach that became a popular surfing spot in the 1960s. The town of Hollister is further up north, about 15 miles NE of Salinas and 40 miles SE of San Jose. Both the ranch and the land where Hollister was…
So it was a Kayfabe-bar?
Gee, when the lady who stole a car in my neighborhood plowed into another car with a family inside at an intersection*, all she did was jump out of the car and stumble down the road for another two blocks before the cops got her. We really need to up our game.
+2 dancing potatoes
If your partner knows about it and gives permission, instead of cheating isn’t it more like an open-book exam?
Yeah, if the stripes are annoying and distracting, they’re doing their job.
Be careful who you beat up - sometimes they get their own TV show.
Batboy catastrophes are a proud Giants tradition.
Residents get their Comcast cable paid for by the city (as opposed to San Bruno which runs its own municipal cable service).
Are they werewolves? Because I heard they have werewolves up there.
He was assigned command of two cavalry squadrons in 1856 at Camp Cooper (about 80 miles west of Fort Worth) to protect American settlers from the Apache and Comanche ‹sarcasm›who for some reason objected to their presence‹/sarcasm›. He was also present (and still a Union officer) in San Antonio when his commanding…
To be fair, at the time they thought they’d be launching space shuttles on a weekly basis. Beats me on the giant snake, though.