It's Colorado Springs. If the chatter is anywhere near that "pleasant", it'll be a miracle.
It's Colorado Springs. If the chatter is anywhere near that "pleasant", it'll be a miracle.
This guys should think about trying to become a voice actor. His ability to pick up and do voices is pretty amazing. I mean, it's one thing to be able to cosplay as the character, but to be able to the voice pretty much spot on is amazing.
why hasen't he considered voice acting? with a voice that flexible i surprised he hasn't been found.
My cat loves olives more than any person can love any thing. He tries to get in my mouth when I eat them. I didn't know what his deal was until I read up and discovered it's something with a chemical in olives that is similar to catnip. He doesn't even care about catnip that much. Olives all the way.
WQEX in Pittsburgh had the best sign-ons and sign-offs back in the late '80s/early '90s, but sadly only version III has made it to the interwebs:
You do know that if you actually called him "Governor Brown" instead of a dog whistle nickname from 35 years ago, people might take your point seriously?
The stadium would be ready for the 2018 season, and has support from local politicians—easy enough, since all of the L.A. proposals are absent any public funding.
Your Limbaugh is showing.
Pete Morelli was reminded that one day he may have to cross the George Washington Bridge. He quickly reconsidered the call.
She didn't want to hurt you.
Here's the scientific explanation: A lot of extra heat is produced by the scrotum periodically smacking against the thighs; this heat is carried by blood vessels into the man's core in order to keep him warmer while hunting. Women should be warm enough already because of all the babies they have strapped to them.
You monsters...
You seem like a really unpleasant person.
Why is preparing food not worthy of a livable wage? Why should we support industries that lobbied for deregulation and wage cuts so that they could insure a steady stream of both workers and customers (often one and the same)?
Unless it was necessary
i showed my mother the photo and before i could tell her what happened she said, "ebola is horrible"
I love the squeaky toy noises.
Too long; can't read.
And with only three days left, we get the headline of the year.