I am headed to Arrowhead on Sunday. Guess I will have to stick with beer and hot chocolate. Not together, unless you can turn a Miller Lite into a stout by mixing the two.
In their defense, Aramark officials pointed to the abundant signs marked Right to Refuse Service.
I'm certain your mother is fucking with you. If not, I'll have the shoofly pie quesadilla.
$1000 for a day's work is awesome IF you are working plenty of days. If that's the only job you book that month, though, it's not so great. For lots of performers, there is a lot more time off than time on, even if they and their agent are looking for gigs like crazy.
It's still way better pay than any job I had as a…
It doesn't have animated movie rates, but I'm sure she was paid scale.
huh, so that's why I hear Steve Blum so much
With the exception of major movie stars slumming it in a Dreamworks pic, or extremely rare cases like the Simpsons cast, the emphasis is never on making a big singular paycheck. It is in constant, unending work. It is one of the reasons VO is so hard to get into: a vast majority of the work is going to a very small…
Ahh, "experience". The universal palliative for underpaying or not paying people.
Qatari Passport Officer: Purpose of visit?
Or: Every child admitted automatically receives a personal falcon guard.
This rule does nothing to prevent pedo couples, so they should ban all adults without children, regardless of if they are single or coupled. And many pedos have families that they could bring, with the intent of quietly molesting a different child while their own family is occupied with the delightful falconry, so…
Yellow cake makes me think of uranium. Uranium is probably a poor choice for cake flavour.
And to be fair, the State of Alabama was formed to work slaves to death.
"team-based multiplayer shooter"
Wow, that girl is unbelievable!
Okay, no snark, no cynicism... That's pretty awesome.