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"Mr. President, we must not allow a Mystery Spot gap!"
What'd you expect from a brutalist tyranny like North Korea?
"Thanks for that. Weather in two, and now let's take a look at today's crime blotter…"
"Disturbing is Diana of the Ephesians!"
"Ph.D." = Doctor of Philosophy (as opposed to an M.D., Ed.D., etc.). She earned the academic title "Doctor" (from the Latin verb docere, "to teach"), but this way no one confuses that with the common term for a physician.
The supersonic B-58 Hustler first flew in 1956 IOT, so the technology was available. Goering wants an early* SST, Goering gets one.
Also, I seem to remember that military supersonic jet development (which led to the Concorde) stalled a bit in the mid-late 50s because the powers that be thought missiles would render…
McDonalds can add espresso shots to their coffee.
McDonalds is a fast-food restaurant.
∴ All fast food restaurants can add espresso shots to their coffee.
Q.E.D., Benghazi, Gaming Journalism.
As usual, TV Tropes provides almost the exact answer to that question:
Now, now, let's not be hasty. I'm sure with targeted therapy, we can get a negative margin and retain some function.
If anyone should know...
I imagine histologists have the same problem.
I wanted to punch KTEH in San Jose in the face when they got rid of Science Fiction Sunday…of course, now they're nought but a digital sub-channel of KQED in San Francisco.
That happens pretty much anywhere where two metro areas overlap - the "San Diego Case" from the 1960s (where stations in San Diego were afraid the city's nascent cable TV system would add network affiliates from LA who would show the same programming at the same time and take half their viewing audience) confirmed the…
Listening to this probably triggered some memories a la Marcel Proust.
Classic example of the Stirling engine.
Traditionally, the challenged party has the choice of weapons.