That top photo looks like Tori did a workplace stock photo shoot.
That top photo looks like Tori did a workplace stock photo shoot.
Peaked is when something peaks. Piqued is when your curiosity is piqued. I know you were just quoting and didn’t right it, but this (for me) is one of those things that really bothers. I also do not like people who confuse crotch and crouch. Those people exist, one used to live next door to me.
my biggest pet peeve is people who say “peaks” when they mean “piques”. it should not bother me nearly as much as it should. and yet!!!
I will never think of a Bronfman or Seagram’s without thinking of the NVXIUM scandal or whatever it’s called. I imagine anyone with the Bronfman last name has that creepy guy’s name tattooed on their butt somewhere.
Right? My babysitting ended in the mid-80s, but I’m pretty sure I used to get between $1 and $2 an hour. I think someone paid me $2.50/hour once and I felt rich.
The conservative faithful have very demeaning attitudes towards women of any age so this won’t be a problem for them.
Since there’s shitty variations on “where’s the parents” with greys who have the audacity to dismiss my replies on my own post.
K.I.S.S. = Keep it simple, Stupid.
+1 Rowdy Roddy PEEPER
It’s really good to know that we live in a time where college tuition is skyrocketing and bankrupting Americans, but adjunct professors are living on poverty wages with no health care and unpredictable work schedules, while the shiplap, bigoted church members get to teach university courses instead.
Actual footage of the Keanu interview:
Given the 11 recent deaths on Everest, and the stories pouring out about long lines of climbers having no choice but to step over bodies as they press on, Mandy Moore’s Eddie Bauer sponcon seems ill timed. You’d think that the brand would want to distance itself from being associated with alpine tragedy.
After all these years Paris is still a mean girl.
How is it not troubling that a 15-year-old child was at a Coachella house creating spon-con? Doesn’t feel like the best place for a teen. But maybe I am just old.
I always tip 20% unless the waitperson is aggressively bad (and not for things our of their control), but the percentage has kept climbing up, no? I remember 15 years ago reading articles that said 15%, then 15-18, then 18-20, and now a firm 20%. Overall this means a couple bucks difference and I’ve never argued…
That NYT article deserves an article of its own for some of its insanity and the how easy the writer is on these BS responses. Sounded like a profile written by ENews.
Those goats look a hell of a lot like sheep.