All I Hear Is Static

If I have enough cash on me to tip in cash, I usually will tip in cash, even if I pay with a card. I’m not sure if it still makes a difference (seems like a lot of places have cracked down on claiming sheets) but if it means a server can keep more of their tip, I prefer that.

Wait. Candy flippers were calling a combo of E & Acid “Molly”? Where was this? We only ever used the whole phrase. Like “Oh, Flippy & Trippy have been candy flipping for weeks on end.” Real (nick)names, btw.

The Borden house is a B&B now. I stayed there one night with my at-the-time bf. We were the only guests (proprietor in the carriage house). It. was. awesome. (Also, I had forgotten my toothbrush so he went out to get one for me and now I get to brag that I’ve been in the Borden house alone at night.)

I don’t know who that kid is, & I’m not gonna look it up. I just poked my head in to say- it’s hot here, & I spent a little while yesterday in a somehwat similar outfit (but a cute apron my SiL made, with a cotton bra underneath) b/c I was frying eggplant. No one took a photo of it, b/c I am an old and my life isn’t a

That’s fucking horrifying! I’m so sorry about your friend, and wish her a speedy recovery. Internet weirdo hugs for you (if you’d like them, of course).

Omg, by society of course! Seriously. I have a socially awkward acquaintance who asked me , sincerely, (via text) for “advice on women” one night, and it turned out he was sad b/c a woman he was low-level stalking had rejected him. I explained to him exactly what he had done, why it was wrong, and how she probably

I made an amazing cake the other day! You bring the rum.

The composition of that photo is so upsetting to me. I’m no great shakes with a camera, but I don’t publish shit tons of photos of myself as my livelihood. I feel like whoever took that just learned about the rule of thirds, didn’t understand it, but decided to use it in their shot composition anyway.


I’m not familiar enough with Amy Schumer’s work (the show or her standup) to comment on whether her comedy is racist or if she engages in hipster racism, but Jez is pretty well-known for White Feminism, especially on articles that are not specifically about issues surrounding race.

this comment section is normally a lot better than that

Fuck, GhostBoobs, now I want Cherry Coke!

I’m sorry for your loss.

I’m in my mid 30’s & can’t use anti-aging products b/c they make my skin breakout like crazy. Fortunate for me, it appears that I was blessed with good genes and I live most of my life at night, b/c I’m still on a teenager-type anti-acne skincare regimen.

Can I tell you a secret? I never fully learned how to stop wearing low-rise stuff. Fuck it. I made it work for me, & now my belly button never *has to* be covered by fabric ever again, if I don’t want it to be.

There’s no cooking fat in that picture. :(

And everything is going to be cooked in water? The only added fat in her diet comes from avocados (and presumably almonds but not this week)? 1 avocado for the week for 3 or 4 people? No. I’m sorry. I know that my household uses waaaay too much butter, but she’s gonna make those kids eat unaccompanied boiled eggs for

I was obsessed with these videos back in the day.

Trigger Warning. For people who have experienced trauma and might be set off by reading/seeing things related to that topic.

Seriously? Damn, dude, I never even realized they had that option! Did you somehow rack up thousands in fine or something?