Someone ought to remind these brave “patriots” the last bunch of people that tried to leave this country because they didn’t like it were....from the South. I guess it was “economic anxiety” huh?
Someone ought to remind these brave “patriots” the last bunch of people that tried to leave this country because they didn’t like it were....from the South. I guess it was “economic anxiety” huh?
“But this is not new. It is as it has always been.“
Oh, they voted for their own self-interest. Given the devil they know (sexism) and the devil they don’t (lack of institutional and structural racism), they weighed the options and decided they were better off as is.
I agree with you, but my narrative is actually that those people still exist who have no excuse for voting for that maniac and you have to do something constructive about that.
My opinion on that is just based on empiricism. We had an election. She lost (in terms of EC votes, which was the whole game) to a ridiculously unfavorable opponent. That happened. She was a bad candidate.
Leaving the political professionals, whose job it is to lead, shape spin, get there message across to the electorate off the hook just invites futher failure.
Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting letting the basket of deplorables or their enablers off. But there is more than enough blame to go around and accepting responsibility as a professional for your work is part of professionalism.
Yeah... I’m no Bernie Bro, and did vote for Clinton, but I’d ask you to consider some things with that line of reasoning. 1) PUMAs, for perspective. 2) The fact that almost all Sanders supporters did in fact support Clinton, and that the fractional divisions correlate to Sanders supporters that were traditional Ds and…
And, honestly, the group who are the worst, who should feel the worst, who demand to be treated worse than all others, should be the Bernie brothers who refused to vote for Hillary because they felt cheated. They’re stupidity, their inanity, their stupid beliefs that trump had no chance so they could vote for no one,…
America started as a cult with the Puritans. They are merely operating as expected in a long tradition of bastardization of Christianity to fit into White supremacy.
All the guards at the IRS and Social Security are rent-a-cops. Welcome to PrivatizedAmerica©.
There is nothing more quintessentially New York than an old white coot telling a Puerto Rican born in the Bronx to “go back to your country.”
We’re reducing funding and staffing at lots of different federal agencies. The supposed goal is to reduce federal spending... but since the agencies are required by law to continue functioning, they have to hire private corporations to do the work for them. The government ends up paying more to private companies than…
oontz oontz oontz
Sure, but we can easily keep away from them until their Rascals run out of juice.
Ha! Tertiary! If only!
It is bullshit and shows why no one can trust the cops.