Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

1. Economy is booming for all the wrong people.
2. The jobs being created are low-paying shit.
3. The tax cuts...well, you know.
4. Yeah, good luck with that (hi, Syria!)
5. What wall?

Ah, okay -  I amend my last.

As a member of the Tribe, where do you come up with this shit?

That’s a lot of words and numbers - save time and just post “I am an ignorant coward”.

“....with liberty, and justice for those who can afford it”.

Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Much better. I don’t want no state funeral.

Oh, how I long for the days when big AAA games weren’t Wall Street-engineered morasses targeted only to obsessive teenage boys and the incels they become.

Developers don’t get those bonuses, they get laid off. Sales, marketing and execs get them because the entire corporate model is set up by and for sociopaths.

Dear “Journalists”,

If these people are such irresponsible conspiracy peddlers and frequent obvious liars who you keep telling us are a danger to journalism and truth itself, WHY DO YOU KEEP INVITING THEM ON TV? a minute, where have I seen this all before.... :: looks to White House ::

And the imitators are already here. Don’t feed the incel MAGA trolls.

I’m not going anywhere near a theater when this is playing in it. To quote Chris Rock, “y’all ain’t killin’ me.”

You mean Ron Jaworski?

Josh McCown just has an NFL shield flag in his garage and a framed portrait of Roger Goodell at his bedside. He knows to pay tribute to those who continually enable mediocre whiteness.

Dude, why are you so relentlessly white-knighting us? Do you actually live downtown? We’re a cross between white suburban corporate cardboard people-simulacra and white EXTRA-suburban peaked-in-high-school industrial accidents waiting to happen. Our cops all look like henchmen. The rapidly-disappearing minorities are

Just because they won doesn’t make you a winner too.

They’re our seventeenth line of defense, between the Mississippi Air National Guard and the League of Women Voters!

As a KSKid from back in the day, how am I only learning about this magic now??!

To say nothing of the fact that your average cross-section of fans would start tearing their own shirts off and screaming at the thought of paying teachers more rather than giving a billionaire a massive windfall to build a monument to himself because the old one is almost old enough to drink: “THEY GET SUMMERS OFF,