Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

The man is holding a Glock pistol. Glocks are commonly chambered for either 9mm or .40 caliber rounds. Do you know how many walls and objects a 9mm or .40 round can penetrate before coming to a stop? Most common tests have rated them to effectively pierce around three to six standard house/apartment walls or traveling

See, exactly: you’re convinced that was actual “prejudice”, but you’re such a milquetoast little worm that you couldn’t actually muster any wrath or outrage against me, only feigned astonishment, the insincerity of which is readily evidenced by your failure to even reach for a lousy exclamation point. Pathetic. But

There was threatening behavior and language observed and overheard at our meetings and such behavior cannot be tolerated and does not represent the values of the community of Montclair.

Ditto with my mom. Thankfully the arguments ceased when I said “He’s the direct opposite of literally everything that you raised me to be.”

1. Booming Economy - thanks Obama (and it’s not really booming as Trump’s Tariffs are sending us into a recession) 2. Record Job Creation - Obama created far more jobs (1.5 million more than Trump). 3. Historic Tax Cuts that went mostly to the rich and have created a historic deficit. 4. ISIS just got a huge boost

Well, that was an unintentional aspect, but I can see that being read that way. My intention is to point out that, regardless of how right wing Jewish people (I’m not speaking of Jewish people as a whole, but particularly of right wing Jewish people) view themselves, they will never be white to white nationalists and

I spent a few years in the Free Republic/Freeper diaspora, namely Liberty Post. Limbaugh, Coulter, and their bigoted worshippers built a cottage industry of pseudointellectual lies mostly built on strawman fallacies, absurd references out of context, and dog whistles on mile-high, neon billboards.

I’m dreaming of a white-supremacist Christmas
With Donald rotting in his grave
As he spends the hours
Pushing up flowers
May our nation finally be saved

There is no perfect outcome here. There’s never going to be a point where we stop fighting. People need to realize that. We’re here because people on the left didn’t realize that we have to show up to protect every bit of progress we make because the Republicans will never stop trying to tear it apart.

It’s always been my dream that he dies during a rally. I imagine him stroking out and babbling only to have his crowd thinking that he’s speaking in tongues. He falls falls off the stage and his shirt and pants to split open so the world will get to see his girdle and his diaper, which of course will be full. Then

That’s, like, 5 weeks away. You sure you want to wait that long?

For real I want MSNBC & CNN to spend as much time talking about this shit as they did Hillary having the flu. I mean noted douche bag Chris Clizzia was constantly harping on about what a big story that was. This man lives off of fried foods, gets no exercise and wouldn’t know what a vegetable looked like if you told

Kellogg’s Exec: (touring manufacturing facility) Why is there so much cereal on the floor?

I live in Texas so I cannot speak about the California CVS employees, but I would not expect CVS employees here to intervene in most situations. Outside of the canned, “welcome to CVS” greeting, you don’t get a lot of social interaction during a routine transaction so I don’t expect them to boss up during a hostile

Wait your stalking someone and commenting on how their life sucks? Holy shit, get the net boys we got a live one here. Jesus Christ look at your fucking Kinja name you pimple faced loser ass Mama’s boy. I am doing your pitiful ass a favor by taking you out of the grey’s. Look I know getting picked on in gym sucked but

Zazie Beetz is the love interest?? So much for believability.

I’m legitimately tempted to change my name to Mark, learn karate, and move to Philadelphia just because of this paragraph.

The most important thing about my story was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.

I’m not sure, but I bet it’s within 5% of the number that have asked “well why was she wearing that dress, then?” at some point.

Editor: And you stand by your source who confirms that there’s only one Karate Mark?